Requested Headcanon -Haldir

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(Someone on Tumblr asked for headcanons for Haldir where a human lives in Lothlorien who's a troublemaker. Haldir will most of the time be the one to stop her and drag her away. Even though the reader is mischievous, he really cares for the reader
Also I just noticed how this was all just one big paragraph hnngghhh I swear I really should not rush posting)

•You lost your parents to orcs that you met in the woods a few weeks ago.

•Some elves saw you unconscious so they brought you to their healers.

•When asked where you live so that they may assist you home, you said that you have nowhere to go back.

•Galadriel and Celeborn took pity on you so they welcomed you there.

•"My lord, my lady, shouldn't the girl be sent back to her people?"

•"She'll be fine."

•*you climbing on the back of one of the guards* "Why are you all so tall?"

•"She' fine."

•You caused a lot of trouble here and there and no one could really stop you from doing so.

•Of course you were really grateful for the elves for giving you a home, but that didn't stop you from trying to tease them.Which ends up with you being chased by a lot of other elves.

•For some reason though they never manage to catch you (they let you be because they're actually scared that Lady Galadriel will get angry if something happens to you)

•But there was one who actually tolerated you and successfully catches you

•"This is Haldir, (Y/N). Be nice."

•"Are you okay? Why isn't he smiling?"

•Thankfully Haldir can keep his composure.

•Whenever he catches you being mischievous, Haldir would either grab the back of your shirt and drag you away or put an arm around your waist and carry you like a sack of potatoes (you're small, he can carry you like it's nothing)


•"You won't die from behaving."

•"Behaving means being quiet and being quiet means no one knows you're there and if no one knows you're there, you get left behind and when you get left behind, you die."

•(Haldir asked Lord Celeborn about you—you had been told to hide and stay quiet by your parents while they look for a way to escape but then they were killed and left you to fend for yourself on your own)

•Since then he had tried to be some assurance for you

•On days that you were sad, you would go to places where you knew the elves rarely go to

•You would be quiet and just sit there

•But Haldir would always come and find you, and once he does, he just sits beside you and doesn't talk

•He's just there until you feel okay

•"Why do you always look for me?"


•"I know I annoy you. So why bother?"

•"Some of the people that annoy you and hurt you the most are the people that you care for the most."

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