Wall -Elrond

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(This is a request from the post I made where I asked you guys to give me a character and a word for me to make a oneshot out of! I was given the word 'WALL' for Elrond. I absolutely don't know where this was going. The ending, oh my word. But I hope you enjoy!)

"Lord Elrond, it happened again."

Elrond, who was trying to rearrange his bookshelves, sighed and turned to look at Lindir. He placed the book that he was holding and brought a hand to his forehead and temple.

"Again?" Elrond said. He walked to Lindir. "Show me."

They hurried down the corridors and hallways until Lindir led him to a part of the house where people rarely visit. Right now there were a handful elves there, staring at the wall and whispering to each other. When they spotted Elrond, they bowed in respect. Elrond nodded in acknowledgement and then moved his gaze towards the wall.

On the wall was a painting of Rivendell from afar. The painting was very detailed, showcasing the waterfalls and the trees and beautiful architecture of the large house. It also perfectly captured how the sun painted the valley orange whenever the sun sets.

For the past two weeks, paintings like this have been appearing on bare walls throughout the house. The very first painting was near Elrond's study and it was a beautiful painting of his children. In that painting, Arwen was sat on a chair, Elrohir was sat on the chair's armrest, and Elladan stood on the other side. Everyone was in awe when they saw it. Elrond was very impressed too, as well as his children. But the painter did not sign the painting nor did they leave any clue as to who they were.

The next painting appeared on the wall near where they displayed the shards of Narsil. It was a painting of the gates of Mordor. In front of those gates was a man with his back turned to the viewer. He wore a black cloak lined with red fabric. He held high in his hand a sword—Narsil, reforged and in the hands of the rightful heir.

The painting before the image of Rivendell was of a place with houses built into the ground, with round doors and plenty of flowers and plants. There were clotheslines and little people doing their daily activities. But the main focus of the painting was someone sitting on a bench in front of their house, pipe in their hand.

The paintings were too beautiful and too mysterious to be erased. But Elrond did want to know who was behind these works. Although they were beautiful, he would rather have them paint on proper canvas so that they could be framed and moved when needed.

Elrond reached a hand towards the painting, trying to look closer. But as he did so, he noticed that there was a small part of the painting that was bare of color. It was somewhere around the pathways that led out of Rivendell. Elrond raised his eyebrows, a smile forming on his lips.

The painting is unfinished.

An idea formed in his head.

He told everyone to leave the painting be. Everyone was on the same page as him for it was very beautiful to look at. So they all scattered and continued on with their day. When Elrond went back to his study, he sat down and tried to act normally. But he was excited to finally see who was doing this.

Elrond went to his chambers when night came but he did not go to sleep nor did he lay down on his bed. He sat on his chair, looking out of the window, waiting for the time when everyone had gone to bed. When such time came, Elrond stood up and silently left his chambers. He walked cautiously to the part of the house where the new painting was.

But when he reached it, there was no one there.

Only some paint and a paintbrush on the floor.

Elrond sighed, disappointed at finding no one there. Was he too loud? Could they have heard him coming? He hung his head before looking up at the painting to see what the mysterious painting was missing earlier. When he looked, he saw that the painting was now done by adding nine figures leaving Rivendell. Four of them were quite small. One was a little taller than the other four. Another was holding a staff and wearing a hat. One had a bow and arrow.

"I have been dreaming of them."

Elrond quickly turned to see someone emerging from the shadows. When he saw who it was, Elrond was quite surprised.

There you were, smiling at him with hands smeared with paint. You walked up to him until you stood beside him and looked at the painting. You knew Elrond spotted the unfinished part of the painting earlier. Of course you knew, you were one of the elves who were there earlier. You were always there when Elrond is informed about the paintings. You were a close friend of his, someone who was in charge of the library. Others knew you as the elf who did not really do anything out of the ordinary and who always followed the rules.

"You were the one behind these paintings," Elrond said, still looking at you.

You met his gaze and nodded. "I thought these walls needed more color. And I thought I would go insane if I didn't do anything about the dreams." You frowned suddenly. "Do you think these dreams mean something?"

Elrond looked at the painting and nodded to himself. "I think you are looking into the future, (Y/N)."

"The future?" you repeated. "But my dreams don't make sense most of the time."

"Most of them never do until they happen," said Elrond, raising his eyebrows at you.

You chuckled and bent down to grab your paint and paintbrush. "You will still let me paint on the walls?" you asked.

"I'll send you more paint and canvas," he said, offering his arm for you to take.

You showed your hands and shyly smiled. "My hands are full of paint. Your robes will get dirty."

"Oh?" he said. "Well, if you will not take my arm, will you take my hand instead?"

Blood rushed to your cheeks but you rolled your eyes at him. "Only if you let me paint another one on the wall."

He took your hand and pulled you along with him. "No, we're going to get you canvas."

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