Not An Update But...

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Okay okay I am here to ask for your opinion.

I was thinking of making a fanfic for Elrond or Legolas. I think I have made up too many stories in my head with an entire plot that I think I can make them into a story or a book. But I'm not sure if I should do it or not.

Even though writing is a way for me to be more creative, it still makes me happy if there are other people who are on board or like what I do.

And I wouldn't have gotten this far with my one-shots without you guys.

So do you think I should start writing one?

Personally I'm thinking of making one for Elrond since I usually read a lot of Thranduil and Legolas fanfics. But if we're going for what the audience would most likely read, it will most probably be Legolas.

Should I really make one?


Or Elrond?

Ahhhhhh I'm turning 20 next year why can't I make decisions hnnngghhhh

Anyways hope you have a great day!

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