Earn It -Thranduil

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(Requested by someone on Tumblr! In this one-shot, by Man, I mean from the Race of Men, just to clarify if it gets too confusing. I didn't want to type from the Race of Men again and again.)

Curse these stupid elves, curse the Race of Men, curse anyone who put stupid claims and stupid rules on where you could and where you could not go!

Where were you supposed to place yourself? You were a ranger, of course you'd be moving around, roaming in different places. That was how you lived! That's how you survive!

Why is it now a crime to enter Mirkwood? The woods had a clear path before and the old told you of days where they once were free to pass there. You decided to try it to get to Laketown faster. You needed to buy food and other supplies and it was the nearest place you knew a Man could go to. The elves you met before were very nice, but you never dared to meet them intentionally.

You followed the path, albeit the journey made you uneasy. There were times you almost lost the path, but luckily you found them again. You continued like that, until suddenly you were surrounded by a group of elves with arrows and swords pointed at you.

There was no point in fighting them. How could you possibly beat their thousands of years experience? So you sheathed your sword and begrudgingly let them lead you to the Elfking.

They brought you in after taking away your weapons, but they promised that they'd give them back if the King allows it. They were more willing to be relaxed when Men passed by (it was the dwarves that got on their nerves) and when they saw that one of your equipments was made and given by an elf, they really didn't treat you harshly.

That was until you came face to face with the King, who had an attitude that completely irked you.

"So, a lone ranger decided to trespass our woods," he said, uncrossing his legs as he stood up from his throne. "What is your purpose? Why have you come?"

"I was trying to get to Laketown," you answered. Oh so many things to retort but you wanted this to be over so you decided to be good and answer. You did nothing wrong and you have nothing to hide. "I was running low on supplies and the quickest way to get there was through Mirkwood."

"I don't believe in you." The King started to descend the stairs, his eyes locked on yours. "You must have some other motive. A spy? A thief?"

That was it for your self-restraint.

"Goodness gracious, who made you King?" you exclaimed. An unamused laugh left your lips. "Do you rarely get any trespassers here who actually speak the truth? Or do you really just believe that everyone will lie? I thought kings were supposed to be just, yet you accuse me already. Ask your people where they found me. I was nowhere near here, I was on the path!"

You could tell he was furious by the seething look he was giving you and how tense his posture had become. But you didn't care.

"You dare talk to me in such way?" the King hissed.

You scoffed, rolling your eyes at him. "I dare, because you dared to accuse me without even knowing me."

The King suddenly raised his hand and glared at the guards. "Leave us," he ordered, and with no questions asked everyone left.

When it was only the both of you left in the room, he took a step closer to you until he was a mere step away. There you noticed how tall he was and how sharp his features were. You couldn't help but admit how muscular he was and how his robes fit him perfectly. His blue eyes, albeit trying to singe a hole into your soul, reminded you of the clear blue skies you always admired whenever you walked on vast grounds. His golden locks made you conscious of your tangled ones which were uneven due to you hacking them off with a hunting knife.

Yes, you will have to admit (but it will only be within your thoughts) that this King was attractive.

"You will regret talking to a King with such harsh words," he whispered, leaning down a bit and reaching a hand to hold a strand of your hair between his fingers. His eyes looked up and down your form.

There was an urge to step back, to move away. You didn't want to regret anything that you said but right now this King had a sword near him and you were defenseless. Your instincts shouted at you to run. Your body wanted to shake from the fear growing inside you. But something was whispering to you to stand your ground.

And possibly lean your face towards his.

With every ounce of courage left in you, you said with a glare, "I have no King. If you want respect from me, you will not earn it by wearing a crown. Earn it by respecting me as a person."

As your glare met his blue (and gorgeous) eyes, something made you want to know him better. You weren't sure if it did happen, because in an instant he had straightened up and looked away. But you wanted to swear you saw his eyes widen for a second.

A second where his arrogant façade faded. A second where you could see that he had something more to show besides being a King pressured to be rigid in front of everyone.

A second where if you only had moved your attention from his eyes to his cheeks, you would have seen a blush make its way.

The Elfking cleared his throat and looked down at you with his chin raised—an attempt to show that he was unaffected by your words (or how adorable or how attractive you absolutely looked when glaring).

"Such impactful words from someone who's so small," he said. He didn't try to hide the genuinely impressed smile forming on his lips.

And of course that didn't escape your notice. You let yourself relax a little but it still annoyed you that he called you small. You are perfectly happy with your height.

"I can't hear you from up there," you teased.

A laugh escaped his lips as he turned his back at you. But then he faced you again with a smile that was quite different from the arrogant King.

"I actually want to take on your challenge," he said. "If I don't get to earn your respect, you are free to leave our realm."

You raised an eyebrow. "And what happens if you do earn it?"

He smirked. "I assure you, when that happens, you'll want to stay even if I say you could leave."

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