Chapter 27

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Y/N glanced around the classroom casually, watching everyone struggle with a hint of amusement. Her eyes landed on Shoto, whose eyes were widened. 'What are you looking at?' She asked curiously as she peeked from behind, hands on his shoulders. Her eyes landed on the bar her friend was staring at. 'Endeavor's agency?' She quizzed, toying with a strand of Shoto's hair. 

'Yeah, I plan to go there. I need help with my left side.' He replied, looking up and making eye contact with the brunette. 'Then we could intern together.' Y/N smiled, ruffling Shoto's head. 'Mt Lady's my top choice!' She heard Mineta declare. 'You better not be thinking something perverted.' She called, not even bothering to look up. 'Um... Possibly?' He stuttered, turning around to look at the girl. 'I don't even want to bother with you anymore. Clearly some things never change.' Y/N muttered, deciding to braid Shoto's hair again.

'Why do you like playing with my hair so much?' He sighed, leaning back into the chair. 'It's pretty.' Y/N hummed, skilled fingers pulling at the red and white locks gently. 'Reminds me of candy canes and peppermint drops. Besides, it's soft.' 'No it doesn't.' Shoto huffed, beginning to fill in his internship slip. 'Yes, it does.' Y/N retorted, pulling colourful bobby pins from her hair and sliding them into Shoto's, pinning back the fringe on his right side.

Y/N squealed happily as she ducked down to admire her handiwork. 'You look so cute!' Everyone turned to look at the girl fawning over the dual haired boy. Kirishima whistled. 'Damn, he lets you do that to him?' 'Yep!' Y/N grinned proudly, pulling out her phone and snapping a bunch of shots to add to her album. 'Why do we never get to see this side of Todoroki?' Mina whined, peeking over at Y/N and Shoto. 

'I don't know.' Y/N shrugged, still grinning. 'He's bipolar.' 'Not as bipolar as you.' Shoto grumbled, yanking the bobby pins out from his hair. 

'Anyway, Todoroki, which agency are you attending?' Mina asked, and everyone turned to hear his answer. 'Man, the most capable student in class! Wonder which one he'll go to?'

'Endeavor's.' He stated shortly, delivering yet another shock to the whole class for the third time that day. 'Your father's? But, why?' 'No reason.' He muttered, standing up abruptly. 'Y/N, let's go turn these in.' 'Alright!' Y/N smiled and reached up to ruffle his hair again. 'But that's not what you told me when I asked you the same question.' She murmured as they left the classroom hand in hand.

'Seriously, those two have to be dating. Todoroki only smiles around her!' Kirishima exclaimed, clutching at his head. 'They're not.' Jiro and Momo remarked, looking at Y/N and Shoto's retreating figures. 'She would have told us.' 'But they're holding hands!' Mina cried, waving her arms in the air. 'They even kiss each other on the cheek. They're not dating, trust me. But it won't be long now.' Jiro retorted, turning back to her internship slip and staring at in frustration.

'Are we going directly to the hospital?' Y/N asked curiously as she stuffed her books into her bag. 'If you want to.' Shoto replied, tapping on her desk impatiently. 'Hurry up now, I believe you still have to go home and pack before you move in the day after tomorrow.' 'Alright then.' Y/N smiled, standing up. 'Let's go, I can't wait to meet her.'


'Mum?' Shoto slid the door open and stuck his head inside. 'I brought a friend.'

'Um... hi?' Y/N greeted, her tone more of a question. 'I'm... uh... Y/N... Y/N L/N.' She mumbled, tugging at her ponytail awkwardly. 'Ah, Y/N!' Rei smiled kindly. 'Please just call me Rei, dear. Your mother was a close friend of mine. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you, losing her at such a young age.' 'I... thank you, Rei.' Y/N mumbled, blushing. 'She usually isn't this socially awkward.' Shoto chimed in, making Y/N glare at him. 'Excuse me?'

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