CHAPTER XXXII. hand-in-hand

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♢ || chapter 32. hand-in-hand

Once I was led out from the hospital, Obi-Wan had given me some time to refreshen up before our talk. He had to get some time too to get his mind straight on a few things too, but I knew he was trying to play off a smart and cheesy way to do what he always does.

My comlink went off, taking me by surprise. 

My hands reached to it and seen Obi-Wan sent a message.

"Jewel, meet me by the fountain over by the first place I saw you for the first time," he stated. "You remember what they look like."

Judging from how I looked, it did not appeal to me to have Obi-Wan see how my hair looked. I took my comb and flattened it out, brushing away the pressed parts on my heaad from when I slept. 

After finishing, I caught a note near my counter to my robes.

I walked over to it to see it was from Master Windu. He wanted me to attend to the Council as soon as I had time.

How lovely. Two men needed me.

Once I left my room, I bumped into Anakin. He almost started off, but realized it was me.

"Jewel! You're all right!" he said as he hugged me, nearly crushing me.

"Thank you, but I must be going now," I told him before he unhanded me.

"You're in a hurry? Master Windu said that the Council needs you."

"I know. Do you know why he calls for me?"

He looked around before telling me. Must have been secrecy. 

"Supposedly, only you are to be informed from this by Master Windu and Master Yoda."

"Then why was the whole Council mentioned?" I rebutted.

"Because after that talk, they wanted to see you and Obi-Wan."

My eyes widened to his response. Did everyone start finding out about Obi and I together now? My heart felt like it was beating too fast, especially with how our hearts are acting. We haven't concluded too what the matter was with that.

"If you can, tell Master Windu-"

My heart suddenly start to shift into an abrupt pain I had not felt. It almost felt like a saber was cutting through me. The burning sensation caught me to the ground, having Anakin panic and ask what was wrong.

I tried to talk, but Anakin managed to help me stand back up. I could feel myself get lightheaded again, and it didn't take long before it seeped in and brought me to an unconscious state.


I awoke in the hospital room again. Master Windu and Anakin were present along with Master Yoda. 

"Jewel? Are you okay?" Master Windu asked as he held my hand.

I sat up and breathed heavily to notice the heart montior on me again.

"What happened?" I questioned.

"We found you passed out when Anakin brought the news to us. Even General Kenobi too," Master Windu answered. "He was near the fountain by the training halls and not responsive too. It seems like there was some similar behaviors he had like yours."

My eyes looked around as I didn't see Obi-Wan.

Where was he?

"Is he nearby?" I asked the threee.

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