CHAPTER LXV. brought back together

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★・・・ chapter 65. brought back together ・・・★

So basically, this gif is where we are at right now

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So basically, this gif is where we are at right now. It's indeed going to get interesting as there are going to be a few add ons into the story plot from what I had done in the past chapters.

Hopefully everything works out and people still enjoy the book as I am. Also, I will transition, like I mentioned before, between Season 7 and Episode 3.

Beware of what events may turn to be, and keep an eye out on what is familiar within the story.

Let us return to the book.

Obi and I were now on Yerbana, aiding in on 212th Attack Battalion with Commander Cody in need of help from the Separatist droids closing in.

I saw from a distance of a missile coming to destroy where Cody was as Obi-Wan immediately went in and sliced it from hitting.

"General!" Cody spoke as he was in shock from seeing him.

"Cody, get down!" I heard Obi-Wan speak to them.

They were running back to retreat as I joined in on the fun.

"Well, I can see things are going splendidly on this front," Obi-Wan sassed.

"It's no good. We can't locate the tactical droid," Cody told us. "He's staying out of sight."

"Oh, I thought that's why no one could see him," I spoke as I looked over the blockade we hid from.

"Watch out!"

Obi grabbed me as an explosion hit the other side of the blockade, knocking Obi and I down as he looked at me sternly.

I smiled and thanked him for that.

"Let us settle this situation, I suppose," I recognized. "Besides, Anakin wouldn't mind the fun."

"As always," Anakin spoke from behind us.

We looked and saw him there, open to any fire possibly hitting him. He seemed quite happy from what he presented as Obi kept telling him to get down.

"He has a plan," I said to my husband.

"How do you know?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Seems that Rex and the others are under the bridge while it would be an easy distraction for one of us, I'm assuming Anakin wouldn't mind the help..."

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