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The clock chimed at eight o'clock.

Krist turned his head toward the sound as he let out a slight grunt of displeasure. However, he soon noticed that he was not in his room, not even in a bed.

"Not again...", he though as he looked at the young man who, with his head on his legs and the rest of his body pressed on the sofa, was sleeping with an innocent expression and a little drool sliding from his lips.

Krist smiled as he tried not to caress the soft hair that was so close to his face with his hands. His fingers were even tingling from the need that he was feeling but ... finally, he managed to tear his gaze away from Singto and observe the room where they had fallen asleep last night.

However, as soon as his eyes were fixed on the wall clock, he began to frown. Their classes were going to start in just an hour and a half and, although the last thing he wanted was to wake up the man who had barely managed to fall asleep at four in the morning, he could not do anything else if they wanted to be on time.

- "Sing .." - he whispered while sliding a finger on the cheek of the still sleeping man.

- "Hmm ... five more minutes" - Singto muttered as he buried his face in Krist's stomach. Which made the young man start to blush slightly.

"Don't react...DON'T react!", Krist exclaimed to himself as he noticed how a little part of him was waking up in the place of Singto.


- "Singto, it's time to get up" - he tried again after finally contolling himself, a few minutes later.

The man frowned, then he slightly opened his eyes.

A few seconds later he had sat up with slightly red cheeks and an embarrassed smile on his face.

- "I'm sorry I used you as a pillow" - Singto muttered as he ran a hand through his hair, stirring it even more than they already were.

Krist felt again the urge of running his fingers through the dark strands so he could put them in their place.

He quickly turned his head from the other side.

- "Don't mind it, I also fell asleep."

Singto smiled to, after looking at the clock, let out a slight cry, get up and offer him a hand.

- "We better run or we'll be late."

Krist nodded and, with a slight smile, placed his hand on the man's and let him pull him into the hallway where the bedrooms, and their things, were waiting for them.


- "Find a table for us..." - said Singto, as soon as he entered through the door of the establishment - "meanwhile I'm going to order our breakfast ..."

- "Okay"

Krist looked inside the store and, after a few seconds, smiled seeing an empty table that was near the large windows that were overlooking the street.

"Perfect...", he told himself as he started to walk towards it. However, before he could take more than a couple of steps in its direction, a hand grabbed his arm, forcing him to stop.

- "So here you were ... I've been looking for you ..."

Krist, in shock, turned towards Knott who, with a flushed face and a wry smile, was watching him with an expression that made the young man try to get away from him by taking a couple of steps back. Something that, unfortunately, he couldn't do as Knott's hand was still on his arm.

And the man was furious, in such a way he had rarely seen ...

- "Knott ..."

As soon as he spoke his name, the grip on his arm increased in strength, causing him to let out a low moan of pain.

- "You know ... when your brother told me that you had come to study here, I was happy for you since that had always been your dream. What I never imagined is that you did it just to be with your new boyfriend!"

Krist opened his eyes wide in surprise.

- "But.."

- "And to think that I felt guilty for what happened between us ... and it turns out that you also had someone else!"

Trying to free himself, Krist placed his free hand on Knott's fingers and tried to make them detach from his arm, but it seemed that, with each attempt, Knott ended holding him tighter, reaching a point where he was afraid of ending up with a broken arm or, if not, at least greatly injured.

Krist growled, noticing how some tears were beginning to appear in his eyes.

- "LET ME GO!"

Knott grunted as he looked at the young man,at those flushed cheeks and his innocent expression that had drawn him from the first moment he had seen him in that disco of the town.

But now he knew the truth ...

The innocent young man he had met did not exist. It was only a role and he had been an idiot  who had fallen for his lies and deceits ... he was now even thinking that Krist was the person who had been behind his "accidents" and not a ghost, as he had first believed .

"I've been so stupid ..."

- "You know ... I always thought that you were rejecting my "proposals " because you wanted something special and not a one-night stand in a paying hostel" - he said while fixing his gaze on Krist's frightened black eyes - "but now I think that you never had the intention of having something more with me since you had him ... that damn actor you have been seeing from the start!".

Knott yanked at him while Krist, with his eyes wide with surprise, was trying to keep his distance between them even as his feet began to slide across the waxed floor of the room, slowly making him get near the man.

- "That is not true. Also, the one that had a fiancée was you!" - Krist exclaimed as he tried to break the grip again. This time abruptly and without caring who was watching them.

- "Oh, really?... And you had a famous boyfriend with whom you have been with for over a year!" Knott exclaimed furiously.

Krist blanched.

Suddenly the contract he had signed with Singto's agent came to mind, especially the detail that, for everyone else, they had been together for a year ...

- "Knott, let's talk calmly. I .."

But the man didn't want to hear anything, trying again to make him go with him.

Krist was about to scream for help when a hand grabbed Knott's wrist forcing him to let go of him whom, free at last, began to massage his arm.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to move my arm in a while ..." Krist thought as he looked up and then settled his gaze on a furious Singto who, with one hand, was grabbing Knott's arm while, with the other, he was carrying a tray with various sweets and pastries.

A few steps away, and behind the man, two waiters stood waiting ... observing the situation and, from their faces, ready to intervene if they needed.

Krist sighed as he looked down.

  "And now what should I do...?".

Meanwhile, in a corner of the establishment, a young man dressed in a tuxedo was watching the scene with his fists clenched and the anger he was feeling reflected on his face.

Without anyone noticing, a three-story cake disappeared from the kitchen table as a puddle of water began to form, out of nowhere, near the front door.

"This time I will make you understand that Krist is out of your reach, Knott.. I promise you, that!"

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