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- "Yes grandma... everything is going very well. The auditions are next week" - Krist replied with a smile.

The boy, in his school uniform, was sitting in one of the seats at the back of the building. Next to him, and waiting for him to finish talking on the phone, was his friend Pai.

- "Sure. See you at home in two weeks. Have fun ..." - he said, after which he cut the communication and put his mobile in the briefcase that was between his legs.

- "It seems that the trip of your grandparents is  going well..." - commented Pai with a smile.

Krist nodded as he let out a sigh.

"It seems they haven't heard about the video yet" he thought as he turned his head to look towards one of the trees that was near the lagoon.

That tree...

A wide smile appeared on his lips as he remembered how Singto had retrieved his jacket at the expense of a good punishment by the director.

Pai, who had noticed her friend's besotted expression, smiled to herself. It seemed that the boy had finally been able to find the right person for him, especially after the mess of his latest ex.

However, a second later, she frowned as she recalled the day Krist had told her what had happened outside of the school and how he had ended having to grab her to keep her from looking for that idiot to say a few things to him.

"But it doesn't matter", she told herself, "I can wait ... and if he comes back ... then ..."

The young woman smiled with a cold fire deep in her eyes. After all, nobody mistreated one of her friends ... nobody!

- "We better get going .. the class will start in five minutes" - said Krist as he got up and, with a sigh, turned towards her and held out a hand.

A wide smile appeared on his face, showing two dimples that made more than one man turn towards the boy. However as usual, Krist hardly noticed the looks of the boys and girls that were in the garden. For the young man they were simply enjoying the views and the beautiful day it was doing.

"So innocent," Pai said to herself while letting out a short giggle, "if it wasn't for everyone knowing that Singto is his boyfriend ..."

And despite that, there were some people who did not care... Dozen of letters inside his desk, gifts near his bag were received by him almost daily. But the worst part was those presents that were a bit more... unique.


Keys from hotels...

Some strange pics of Krist where Singto's face was exchange for others...

Luckily, for those cases she was there. Her and her black belt in Aikido.


Win said goodbye to Pim and headed, along with Off, toward the doors that led to the exit of the shopping centre.

His gaze was cold and measured.

Off, who until now had been silent, cleared his throat causing the young boy to turn towards him.

- "Could you tell me what's going on here?" - he finally asked, making Win stop and sigh wearily.

- "Exactly what you have seen. My brother's ex-boyfriend does not accept that their relationship is over" - he commented as he started to go down the stairs that led to the main avenue - "and you know what is the funny part in all this? It was him the one who broke up with Krist".

- "Seriously?"

Win nodded with a wry smile.

- "On their anniversary day. And he even dared to introduce him to Pim, his fiance..."

Off growled as he thought of Krist. It was true that they weren't the best of friends, but he was a good child and he certainly didn't deserve that ... But then ... if that happened a couple of months ago ...

- "My brother and Krist haven't been together for a year, have they?"

Win sighed and, raising a finger to his lips, motioned for him to stop talking.

- "Let's go to my grandfather's house. We can talk there without problems" - he said as he looked around.

It was then that Off first noticed the gazes of the people walking down the street, especially that of some of his schoolmates who, during their lunch hour, used to go to the mall for a drink. Then he simply nodded and follow Win with quick steps.

"For one class I'll be missing, I don't think it will matter...", he thought as he remembered his class schedule, "besides, I think it's time for me to find out what's going on here ...".


The front door got opened, allowing two young men to enter the hall of the house. Win, leaving his backpack on one of the coat racks, turned towards the man who was watching the small entrance with a curious look in his eyes.

"Anyone can tell he's from a rich family"... Win thought as he smiled slightly.

- "Leave your briefcase on the rack" - said as he went to one of the closed doors and opened it - "we can sit in the living room. After all, I have the whole house to myself."

Off nodded and, after leaving his things, followed Win into a room that, despite being somewhat small, was undoubtedly very welcoming.

- "Do you want a coke or a juice?" Win asked as his cheeks flushed slightly - "I'm sorry but I don't have any beer or anything like that. My grandparents don't drink any kind of alcohol."

Off smiled and shook his head.

- "Don't worry. A juice is fine"

Win smiled slightly and headed for one of the doors that led out of the small room.

- "Get comfortable. I'll be back in a minute"

Win took two juices from the fridge and, taking two cold glasses, placed them on a tray. Immediately he picked up some nuts and the sweets he had bought that morning.

"This will suffice", he told himself as he nodded and picked up the tray.

A few minutes later he had returned to the living room where, sitting in one of the armchairs, Off was waiting for him.

- "I hope you like it ..." - he said as he left the tray on the table and sat next to the young man.

Off smiled and picked up one of the glasses of juice.

- "Could you now answer the question I have asked you before?" - Asked while raising the glass to his lips.

Win sighed.

- "The truth is that my brother and Singto have barely started dating" - he replied while taking one of the peeled nuts from the plate - "the one year matter was created by the company that leads Singto .. . ".

Off frowned.


Win picked up the phone and accepted the incoming call with a frown.

- "Is something wrong Pim? - Asked after seeing who was calling -" Why are you...? "

A second later he was up and running towards the front door, followed closely by Off, who didn't understand what was going on. Finally, just as they reached the street, the boy raised a hand, stopping a taxi that was passing through the area.

- "Quick" - Win exclaimed to the driver - "take us to where this woman tells you!"

After which he passed the phone to the driver and sat on the  back seat while wringing his hands.

- "What has happened?"

- "My brother ... Knott has taken him away. Him and his friend, Pai"

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