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Krist was walking aimlessly while ignoring the man next to him, who was looking at his face with a slight smile on his lips...

He had agreed to go with Knott without even thinking about it, in an outburst that he honestly didn't understand. He knew what had happened between Singto and Porsche... Sing himself had told him that afternoon in which they talked about what happened between the man and his brother... and yet, the very idea that he could go back to Porsche had filled him with so much pain and anger, that it had led him into this mess.

Because it was a mess...

What if Knott tried something again?

What if this time no one was around to help him?

He had been reckless, an idiot ...

"I just don't learn ..."

- "Why don't we sit on that bench?" - Knott asked, as he pointed to a metal seat slightly bent by the passage of time - "or if you prefer it, we can go to that cafeteria ...".

Krist looked toward the establishment Knott had pointed out to him. Moments later, however, he shook his head.

- "No thanks" - he replied quickly - "that bench is fine".

After which they went towards it and sat down. Knott initially sat quite close, which made Krist uncomfortable, so he shifted slightly to the right. Not without noticing the slight glow of sadness that appeared in the man's eyes when he noticed his reaction.

"But... What was he expecting after what happened between us?" Krist wondered as he looked down at his bare hands.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Krist sighed and, finally, turned his face towards the man who, for three months, had been the most important person in his life after his own family and who, in the end, had hurt him so much.

- "What are you here for, Knott?" - he asked with a frown - "I think we talked about everything we needed to talk the last time we saw each other, that night when you abandoned me ... and after what happened the other day, I honestly do not want to be seen with you..".

- "Baby, I ..." - Knott started to say while, to Krist's surprise, he took one of his hands in his - "I want you to forgive me. Give me a chance, only one. I promise I will break my engagement ... I love you".

Krist looked surprised at Knott, who was watching him while waiting for an answer with an imploring gleam in his eyes. For a few seconds he wondered if he had heard correctly ... if he was dreaming ... because Knott couldn't be there, saying those things to him. Not after all those months cheating on him.

- "Sorry Knott, but I can't go back to you"

- "Is it because of Singto?"

Krist sighed and, separating his gaze from Knott's, nodded.

- "Why?!" - Knott exclaimed as he got up and started walking, furious, around the bench - "It is obvious that he is in love with someone else!".

Krist said nothing for a few seconds. However his eyes did not take off from Knott. Especially after observing how he had started to turn red from anger.

- "Sorry, but no one can control their feelings... and I no longer feel the same for you" - he finally said with a look of resolution on his face that made Knott stop moving and stared at him with a pained expression - "even if Singto leaves me, I would not return to you because, simply, I no longer love you. I ... I really wish you the best with your fiancée but please, stop looking for me ... I am begging you. Now.. now I must go. "

After which Krist got up from the bench and took a couple of steps towards the path they had come from.

"I will talk to Singto," he said to himself as he turned his back on Knott and began to head towards the school - "I will talk to him and I will clear all my doubts."

However, a hand grabbed his arm surprisingly, forcing him to turn towards Knott who, with a feverish gleam in his eyes, was looking at him with a smile that made a chill run down his spine.

Krist blanched and apprehensively looked down the street. It was then that, to his horror, he noticed that they had been left alone ... that his classmates had already left school.

"Damn..." he said to himself.

When he had chosen to stay on the street, he had done it thinking that, if something happened, his classmates could help him ... but, nevertheless, now he was alone and at the mercy of Knott.

Feeling the panic building inside him, he began to struggle, trying to break free of the grip. However it was impossible.

- "I know you are lying, Krist ... you cannot have forgotten me in just a few months ..." - Knott said as he pulled at him, causing Krist to end up in his arms.

The boy, feeling cornered, let out a scream as he tried, again and with more force, to get rid of Knott. But the man only smiled, pressing him even closer to his body.

- "Let me go!"

- "Come on, Krist .... Tell me the truth" - Knott kept saying - "I beg you. I ... I need to hear you say that you love me ... that everything about you and Singto is nothing but a lie"

- "NO!" - exclaimed, however, Krist - "I don't love you anymore, I don't even think I ever did!"

Knott blanched, and then, with one of his hands, took Krist's head by the neck to draw him towards his.

- "I will show you that what you are saying is not true ... that you are mine. You always have been and I will make you remember it!"

After which he leaned into Krist's pale face, determined to kiss him.


Singto started walking in the same direction that Krist and Knott had gone when a hand stopped him.

- "We're not done talking" - said Off while shooting a sidelong glance at Porsche.

Singto released himself abruptly and, turning around, faced his brother. His expression, cold and contained, made Off take a couple of steps back.

"Maybe it wasn't a good idea after all," he said to himself as he watched Singto's eyes, so cold and filled with a murderous aura, that was making him want to run away.

- "What is happening here?" - Asked, at that moment, Porsche. The boy, after seeing how his enemy had left with that handsome stranger, was presenting a much more cheerful and smiling aspect than he had minutes before.

- "It happens that my brother has gone crazy" - Singto said as an answer - "and you know what ... I'm tired of being in the middle of the two of you. Solve your problems and leave me alone!"

After which he turned around with the firm intention of looking for Krist.

"He shouldn't have gone with that man...", he thought as he frowned and began to look everywhere for him, "Knott is dangerous .."

Singto started walking without knowing where to go. But, wherever he went, he observed all the people that were wearing their school jacket, hoping that one of them was Krist ... wishing that the young man had had a little common sense and had not ended being alone with that man.

- "Where can he be?" - He growled as he turned in one of the corners of the main street.

A few seconds later he stopped walking. His mind completely paralyzed by what he was seeing.

"WHAT THE HELL???!!!!"

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