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The cops were preparing themselves as they spoke in whispers.

Singto, who had been watching them with a frown and an expression bordering on despair, could only think of how slow they were acting. But most of all, how scared Krist must be...inside that place, alone except for his friend and in the hands of his ex, who obviously had gone crazy.

- "I have to go inside.." - he murmured as he took a couple of steps towards the building.

However, a hand gripped his arm tightly, causing him to stop and turn towards the other youngsters who, leaning against the wall or sitting on the ground, were waiting for the officers to tell them what to do.

- "Don't even think about it" - Off reproached him - "and don't try to fool me, I can clearly see what you're thinking of doing ...".

Singto sighed, then he carried a hand towards his hair, thus ruining the hairstyle that had been so difficult to create that same morning.

- "But Krist is alone and they... they are doing nothing"

Off frowned, immediately taking his brother by the arm again and forcing him to sit next to Win.

- "I know you are worried and nervous, we are feeling the same but we cannot enter inside. We would complicate things even more .. especially you"

Singto looked up at his brother with a questioning and curious expression on his face.


Why me...?

What do I have to do in all of this?

- "Why? Is it because of my fight with Knott?" - He asked after a few minutes of silence

Off shook his head.

- "I am saying it because of the person who is helping him in all this mess... Porsche".

Meanwhile inside the factory, Krist was trying to break free from the grip of Porsche, which had finally managed to reduce him enough to place his hands on his throat.

- "I'm going to end you ... and if it can't be through that asshole, I'll just make it by myself!" - exclaimed Porsche while smiling with a maddened expression on his face - "nobody is going to take away what's mine ... nobody!"

Krist began to feel short of breath as his eyesight grew darker.

He was losing consciousness.

With his last strength he managed to lift one of his hands and place it on those of the young man who, sitting on top of him, was preventing him from moving or simply asking for help.

Pai, with her back to them and on the other side of the room, was still engrossed in her own fight with Knott. The young woman, after hitting him again in the head, was now trying to tie the man with the same ropes that had previously been used to immobilize them. Unfortunately she was so focused on doing it before Knott woke up, that she had not noticed what was happening behind her back.

Krist looked at his friend's back and opened his mouth in a vain attempt to pronounce her name, to even make a sound, no matter how slight it was, so that the girl could finally notice what was happening to him.

But it was impossible.

Porsche's grip was too strong.

It was then that, out of the corner of his left eye, he noticed the bottom of a pair of pants that, dripping slightly on the ground, were approaching them with quick steps from the front door.

His last memories before his eyes closed and his mind was consumed by darkness, was of his friend Fiat, just a few steps from him. And, right next to him, a club had begun to rise slowly, without anyone touching it.

Krist smiled slightly.

He was going to be saved ...


The first thing krist saw when he opened his eyes was the gray ceiling of a hospital room. His slightly sore eyes scanned the entire place.

The boy smiled as he observed the two people that were sitting in the only two chairs of the small room while talking in whispers, apparently not realizing that he had already woken up.

- "Sii..Sin..." 

Krist tried to say the name of his lover, however his throat, quite sore, hardly let him murmur the name of the person who was closest to him and who, with one hand on his, was turned towards the other boy while talking to him. But luckily it had been enough....

Singto turned around and, noticing the black eyes watching him from the bed, smiled as his face shone with joy.

- "Krist!" - he exclaimed as he stood up and approached the edge of the bed. Of course, without releasing his hand at all - "How do you feel? Are you okay?".

Krist nodded his head slightly after which he smiled. All of that while he turned his wrist a little and grasped the man's hand more tightly in an attempt to convey that he did not have to worry, that everything was fine, that he was safe now. By his side.

"If only I could speak ..." he said to himself as he watched his boyfriend's eyes, which were still showing a slight sign of concern.

- "Bro..." 

Krist moved his head in order to rest his gaze on Win. On his beloved brother who, still sitting on his seat, had his hand on his mouth and was crying silently. Krist stopped smiling and frowned, causing Singto to turn around and look at the young boy whom he had been talking with.

- "Come on Win ... stop crying. Everything has already passed" - he said, trying to calm him down.

Win nodded and taking a handkerchief out of his pocket, he brought it to his face and squeezed it hard over his eyes in a vain attempt to control himself and stop crying.

- "I supp... I suppose you have many questions ..." - he finally said after a few minutes - "but seriously ... I'm so glad that nothing happened to you".

Krist opened his eyes wide and shot a worried look at Singto.

The latter, immediately understanding what the young man wanted to ask, nodded as he grabbed the back of his chair and brought it closer to the head of the bed.

A few seconds later Win did the same.

- "Pai is fine ... apparently Knott is the one who is in a worse state ... he has two broken ribs and a good bruise on his head and back".

Krist smiled.

He was relieved that Pai was fine ... not just because she was his best friend, but also because she had been involved in the whole mess because of him. He had been feeling guilty ... even after she told him how he shouldn't be.. that it was not his fault at all.

- "The police are guarding his hospital room and, as soon as he is able to move, they will take him to the police station. I can't wait for that to happen ..." - Win commented with a steely shine in his eyes.

Krist bit his lower lip as he thought about the man. He still couldn't understand how they had ended like this ...

- "Porsche, on the other hand, is at another hospital. He ..." - Singto started to say as he looked down until he fixed his gaze on Krist's sheets.

Win, noticing Singto's guilty and sad expression, sighed and turned towards his brother.

- "Porsche is... well... apparently he had lost his mind before the entry of the policemen ... they still don't understand why"

But Krist did know ...

He had just discovered it before passing out.

His hand tightened much more on Singto's in an attempt to give him strength since the man was going to need it. After all, if what he had heard was true, his lover was going to suffer an immense shock. 

Both him and his brother Off.

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