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Knott's face grew closer and closer. Krist, who had been trying to break free of his embrace without success, noticed how a tear began to slide down his own cheek as he tried to push him, hit Knott's body, do anything to be free again, but it seemed that Knott barely noticed his blows, even less his stomping. He was just smiling as he commented how much he had missed his lips.

Krist groaned, sickened by what he was hearing.

The truth was that he'd always thought that of all the boys he'd dated, Knott had been the best. A kind, sensible, respectful young man ... how wrong he had been. Not only had he cheated on him from the moment they'd met, but now he even dared to do something like that ... He was the worst. Definitely!

"Singto was right, I shouldn't have gone with him ..."

But it was too late for recriminations. Now the only thing that mattered was escaping Knott and his lips, that were almost on his. However, Knott's grip kept him in place, not letting him move even a step.

- "No!" - He exclaimed while trying to move his face - "Let go of me!"

It was then that, just as he was already feeling Knott's breath on his skin, iron arms surrounded the man's foot and, with a sudden movement, caused Knott to fall to the ground, taking Krist with him. The latter, noting that the grip around his body had disappeared, crawled across the floor until he was far enough to feel safe again.

Moments later, very carefully and still looking at Knott, Krist got up, standing in front of him. Knott was already trying to free himself from the grip of one of the metal straps that, from the bench and to their amazement, had stopped forming a beautiful filigree to end around Knott's ankle.

- "I hope that this time you will learn your lesson!" -said a voice that made both of them, one standing and the other on the ground, turn to face a young boy with dark hair and light skin. A boy that, dressed in a tuxedo, was looking at them just a few steps away.

Krist blanched as he stared at a face that he hadn't been able to forget for several years already. His heart skipped a beat and his lips parted to let out a single name.

- "Fiat .."

Knott turned his face toward Krist with an expression full of so much fear and hate that made him take a few steps back again.

- "So I was right" - he said as he tried to stand up. However, the grip of the bench kept him sitting, unable to move, at least not enough to get closer to the boy who, once again, was looking towards the ghost that was dressed in a tuxedo. All of that with a pale face and tears running down his cheeks.

- "Hi Krist" - Fiat said as he raised a hand and greeted him happily - "Singto is coming here .. you should go with him".

After which he disappeared, leaving a young man with a million questions and no answers. A young man who, following what his best friend had just told him, turned around and started walking towards one of the avenue entrances. All without paying attention to the screams of Knott who, sitting on the ground, repeated his name incessantly while demanding him to go back to him.


Completely paralyzed, Singto watched Krist walk around with a lost look on a pale face and signs of having been crying. However, as soon as he saw him stumble on a tile of the floor, he ran until he stopped a few millimeters from him.

- "Krist, what happened? Are you ok?" - Asked while trying to hold the young man by the hand.

Krist, noticing the contact, pulled away abruptly as he shot him a look of fear that made Singto feel the ground open beneath his feet.

"I'll kill him, I swear I'll kill Knott this time ..."

Seconds later, fortunately, and after recognizing the person that was in front of him, Krist stopped looking like that and, immediately, he began to cry as he threw himself into his arms.

- "Knott ... hic ... kiss" - he muttered between sobs and while keeping his face buried in the young man's shirt - "Fiat".

Singto hugged the boy not quite understanding what he was trying to tell him though the words Knott and kiss had caused him to start planning where he was going to bury the idiot's body once he was done with it.

"But not now ...", he said to himself while patting Krist on the back, "now there is something more important that I must do ..."

Singto turned away slightly and, with a light caress of his fingers, he began to dry the tears that were still on Krist's face.

- "Come on, I'll take you to my house. There we can talk more calmly."

"I just hope those two are already gone ... the last thing we would need now is to meet them again..." Singto said to himself as he frowned.

Then, a couple of seconds later, they started to go back towards the parking lot.

The distance from school to Singto's apartment was very short, however for the two people who were sitting in the convertible, the journey had been one of the longest they had ever experienced. So when they finally found themselves inside the apartment building, they couldn't help but sigh in relief.

Singto, seeing Krist more calm, opened the door of the house with a smile and then let the young man enter first.

- "I'm going to get two bottles of water ..." - he said as he walked towards the kitchen - "or do you prefer something different?"


Krist, who had dropped into one of the armchairs, raised his face to stare at Singto.

- "Do you have beer?" - he asked, finally, with a tired voice - "right now I could drink one"

"Or ten ...", he said to himself as he remembered Fiat's smiling face while wearing the suit that had been given to him the same day of his death.

And to think that he didn't like it ... that he only used it to please his mother.

Krist sighed as he tried to make sense of everything that had happened. A sense that did not have since ... How can it be that a friend, who had been dead for several years, appeared suddenly in front of him and as a ghost?

It was crazy!

- "Here you have" - Singto said leaving a can in front of him ... what made Krist finally come out of his thoughts.

- "Thank you," - the boy murmured, trying to smile.

Singto sighed. Moments later, he shook his head .

- "Do not try to deceive me" - he said while pointing to his face - "remember that I am an experienced actor and I have not seen a more false smile in all my life".

Krist bit his lower lip, then nodded slightly after a moment.

- "What happened with Knott?" - Singto asked as he took a can and opened it - "what's more.. why did you go with him? I already told you not to trust him ... he didn't give me a good feeling."

- "I... "

- "Don't tell me it was because of what happened in the parking lot.." - Singto said as he tried to get Krist to look at his face - "Off was only being his silly self. He can never catch a hint even if you slap him with it... you should have seen the number of times that Gun ... "

Singto paused for a moment.

Noticing the young man's change in attitude after mentioning his old friend's name, Krist placed a hand on his thigh, causing Singto to give him a grateful smile.

- "Gun tried everything .. he even planned to seduce Off, which did not end very well..." - he finally continued after a few minutes - "in the end he had to tell him his feelings to his face and as clearly as he could".

Krist nodded without looking away from the man who, although he would never told him, looked more like his brother than he thought.

- "So ... you and Porsche ..."

Singto sighed and raised the can to his lips. After taking a long drink, he turned towards Krist with a determined expression on his face.

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