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Krist felt his heart pounding inside his chest as he watched the penultimate group finish their performance. They had been great ... especially the boy who had been acting as Puck. Honestly, he didn't know how he was going to act after seeing that... especially without making a fool of himself.

His eyes then went down to the booklet that was in his hands and, after letting out a sigh, he turned to his backpack and took out a bottle of water. His gaze then fell on a small sticker that was still attached to the plastic and that made a slight smile appear on his lips.

He knew that the smiling face that was returning his gaze could not be described as nothing more than a joke ... a joke of Singto that, strangely, was doing exactly what the man had told him it would do while giving it to him and  just before going on his way that same morning.

"Take this.. I hope that looking at it, something sticks to you ... you have such a serious and sad face that hurts when you watch it.. you need to smile. Smile!" , he had said as he raised his own fingers towards his lips and made a smiling gesture.

Krist smiled harder and then, careful not to damage the sticker, bring the bottle to his lips and took a long drink. All this while trying not to choke because of his nerves.

"You can do it, Krist," he told himself as he put the bottle back into his bag, "you've done this with Singto many times ... just stay calm".

- "Next group!"

Krist felt his heart skip a beat inside his chest but, like the rest of his companions, he climbed the stairs to the stage and got into position.

The lights went out and the sound of crickets started to flood the room. A light breeze began to sway the leaves of the bushes and the trees placed on the stage. The young boy swallowed with difficulty and then, like so many times, he closed his eyes while trying to imagine what Puck's mask would be like.

A slight girlish and playful smile appeared on his lips.

A few seconds later, when the sound indicating the beginning of the play was heard, Krist no longer existed, instead and in front of everyone, was the master of jokes Puck.


Mrs. Amarette entered the room closely followed by Singto. They both approached Madam Zuzu who, from the bottom of the room, was making gestures for them not to say anything. A second later they smiled and , after looking at the stage for a few seconds, they approached her while trying to make as little noise as possible.

- "We are almost done ... they are the last group"

Suddenly, a second gong was heard in the room.

A light came on illuminating the figure of a young man who, lying on his back on a tree branch, was smiling playfully while swinging a twig from side to side.

- "Puck!" - exclaimed an imperious voice from the darkness of the stage - "come here!".

The pixie raised his head, and a second later he was on the wood of the stage. One knee on the floor and the back bent as a sign of respect.

Miss Zuzu widened her eyes in surprise. She was truly impressed.

- "He has dropped to the ground making a perfect turn" - she murmured as she turned towards her best student with a question in her eyes.

A question that was answered with the brilliant smile that Singto directed, at that moment, towards the stage. A clearly proud and happy smile.

Madam Zuzu frowned, clearly wondering how it was that Singto had managed to teach Krist so much in such a short time. However, with the play going on, she couldn't ask him so she just sighed and looked back at the stage.

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