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Sitting at his desk, Krist watched the clock that was on the wall of the classroom. The minute hand seemed to move so slowly that, at times, it seemed like it was going backwards.

The young man sighed as he thought, once again, if he should tell Win everything that was going on, especially when he had already reiterated over and over again that he didn't want to know anything about his past life, not after knowing all his family was death.

"I don't know what I should do ...", he though as he looked down at the script that was in front of him. 

A few seconds later their teacher walked past him, and after checking that he was studying the scene they were going to work on in the next class, he continued his surveillance walk between the tables.

Krist let out a sight and, after the man walked away, looked at the clock again.

"A minute less..."

Meanwhile, Singto was waiting for Krist's classes to end with a frown and a pounding heart. At his side was Fiat who, shaking his head, was telling him,for the third time, that it was not going to work ... that he should not even try.

-"Why not?" - Singto finally exclaimed as he turned towards the ghost - "Why can't I go to Gun, now that he comes, and tell him the whole truth?"

Fiat sighed and, floating in the air, approached him until he placed a slightly bluish hand on his shoulder.

- "Because Win does not know you" - he said in a sad voice - "but especially because the doctors have already warned us that it is not a good idea to force him to remember.... Or Do you no longer remember what Krist told you last night?"


Singto frowned as he tried to make sense of all that mess. He certainly understood the importance of a third person being with Fiat and Gun when the boat capsized however, there was still one thing he did not understand. A small detail that, in his opinion, was as important as the reason behind the accident.

- "Why...?" - he finally asked, causing the two boys, one light-skinned and the other slightly bluish, to turn towards him to stare at him -  "Why didn't anyone tell us that Win was alive? Three years ago, when he disappeared into the river waters, no one told us that he was not dead ... "

Krist sighed, and once again he wished that things had been otherwise. Maybe if they hadn't listened to Win's request, everything would have been cleared up much earlier ...

- "You must understand that, at that time, Fiat had just passed away. The police were confused since no problem had been found in the overturned boat .. so the experts concluded that there had to be some kind of accident and that the suit Fiat was wearing prevented him from swimming to the nearest shore".

- "But what does that have to do with the fact that they did not tell us that Gun was alive?" -Singto asked again, this time with a frown and a bitter expression on his face.

"It's normal for him to be angry ... I would also be if I were in his place," Krist thought as he shared a look with Fiat.

After a few seconds he continued with his story, but taking much more care of the way he did it.

- "When the two boys were found , one of them unfortunately had already died while Win was in a pretty serious condition ... I am not lying to you if I tell you that the doctors did not expect him to survive" - ​​said Krist while his eyes were fixed at a dot on the wall and his thoughts far away from there but in a hospital room where, three years ago, the inspector who had handled the case, the doctors in charge of the sole survivor and a young man who, accompanied by his parents, was hardly listening to them, were talking about the case...


- "We need for him to tell us what happened that day ..the investigation depends on what he can tell us" - the police officer was saying while tapping on the table with a ballpoint pen. Next to it, and completely closed, was a small notebook where the man had written down a series of questions to ask the convalescent and, according to the specific orders of his bosses, as soon as possible.

- "I have already told you that nothing can be done. The boy presents an episode of severe amnesia as a result of a strong blow to the head ... he does not even remember his name."

The officer frowned as he lifted the cover of the notepad and checked some of the questions he was supposed to be asking the boy right now. But, apparently, the matter was going to be more complicated than he though ...

- "And ...Can't you tell me anything?" - He asked, addressing the parents of the young man who had been the one to find the two boys in one of the small coves into which the river ended.

Both of them, with serious expressions on their faces, shook their heads to finally direct a worried look towards their only son.

- "Krist ..."

The boy raised his head after hearing his mother's voice saying his name, however his gaze was still lost. Since that damn day, his mind could only remember the moment in which he had found his best friend dead. With bluish skin and a ripped party dress full of mud and blood stains.

- "Krist ... I know it's hard, but we need your help ..."

Krist, finally,  nodded quietly.

- "When I got to the cove Fiat was ....Fiat..." - Krist stopped talking for a few moments in which he closed his eyes and his hands tightly.

A hand, somewhat pale and wet, rested on his shoulder trying to tell him he was there, with him. Unfortunately, the young boy did not notice him nor the worried look of a person that, in a tuxedo, was sitting next to him and watching him with concern painted on his face.

Finally Krist pulled himself together enough to continue with his story. The officer opened the notebook and prepared to write down everything the young man would say.

- "Fiat was lying on the sand. I remember that his legs were still in the water but his chest and head were on the sand and the blood .. the blood was already dry ..."

Krist began to hyperventilate, causing the doctor to approach him and begin to speak to him slowly and in a soft, calm voice.

When Krist had calmed down enough, the doctor turned around and took his seat again, but not before casting a cold and threatening glance at the officer.

- "Next to him was a boy. I had never seen him before that morning ... I suppose he was a rookie" -Krist looked up and his gaze landed on the police officer's face - "He was still breathing".

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