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Krist was walking through the corridors of the mental hospital with a frown on his cute face. Next to him, with pale faces and puzzled expressions, were Off, Win and Singto. They had all decided to accompany him after discovering that he wanted to visit Porsche and having tried, one after another, to change his mind.

- "I still don't understand why you want to see him..." - Win said as he approached his brother to whisper in his ear - "the doctors have been clear with us ... he has lost his mind and they don't know if he will be able to get better someday".

Without saying a word, Krist bit his lower lip.

He obviously did not want to see the man who had almost killed him. Neither him nor much less Knott. However, there was something he wanted to check... something that, since that day onwards, it had been on his head and was not leaving him alone. Not even when he slept.

After all, he still remembered the words of Porsche just before everything went black...

Flashback ...

Krist, his mind already dulled, noted that the fingers that were around his throat loosened their grip slightly. With some difficulty he shook his head and watched as Porsche, completely pale, looked over to where his old friend was standing.

- "It can't be ..." - the man murmured while looking at the club but, above all, at the figure that was a few steps away from them.

Kit, trying to stay awake and conscious despite the darkness that was beginning to take over him, only managed to hear one last sentence before he was finally defeated and lost consciousness.

- "But if you are dead ... I killed you ..."

End of flashback ...

The four young men finally stopped before a door and a large window that let them see what was happening inside the room while being completely opaque from the other side.

- "HAHAHAHAHAHA .... all dead ... yes!" - A young man was saying as he made some figures with which he was playing jump through the air. Beside him, a nurse and a caretaker were carefully observing his behavior.

The woman, with a frown and a sad expression on her face, was writing down something in a small notebook while whispering to the muscular man who accompanied her something they couldn't hear. From her expression, however, it was clear that Porsche's evaluation was not going to be very positive ...

Krist sighed and, plucking up his courage, knocked on the door.

The nurse looked up and, with a slight signal to the guard, approached the door and stepped out onto the corridor.

- "Are you here to see the patient?" 

- "Yes we are" - Krist replied as he felt how his own heart beat faster. His mind, for the first time since he woke up in that hospital room, began to get fill with doubts.

Was all that necessary?

What if it only created a bigger problem?

But he didn't have much more time to think about anything else since Porsche, rising from the ground, stared at them and then started to get near with slow steps. However, a second later, he leaped towards Win with a piercing scream that was heard throughout the hospital section.

The nurse began to run towards him while the security man, with a quick movement, had managed to reach Porsche  and reduce him until he was on the ground, face down, and completely defenseless.

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