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Pai stared at the doorknob while, at the other side of the door, Krist was waiting for the first of the kidnappers to appear. All of that with a thick stick on his hands.

The young man swallowed hard.

His throat was no doubt dry, and his hands kept shaking, but he still gripped the stick that he had found next to some rubble in the room with all the force he could gathered.

"I won't let them do anything else to us ...", he promise to himself as he raised his weapon with a fire in his eyes - "I will fight to the end!"

The door opened slowly and with a screech that echoed in the spacious room.

Krist shot a quick glance at Pai, who got herself into an attack stance.

Two figures, one behind the other, calmly entered through the door. One of them was carrying a camera very carefully while the other, taller and with more toned muscles, was walking with his head down and mumbling words that were disconnected but, nevertheless, made Krist flush with rage.

Especially after hearing something that looked a lot like wedding and responsibility ...

"He's crazy if he thinks I would marry him, especially after this," he though with a disgusted expression on his face.

Meanwhile Pai, who had also heard the words whispered by Knott, flushed with rage and, taking advantage of the fact that he was looking down, attacked him with one of her most lethal combos.

"You'll be lucky if you're still capable of spawning some child after I'm done with you!" She thought as she struck the head, then the back of the man's knees, and finally threw him to the ground with a flying kick.

While Pai was taking care of Knott, Krist had hit Porsche's  head and back with his makeshift club.

The man, who had not been expecting it, stumbled while releasing the camera he was carrying. It crashed to the ground as Porsche, with a trickle of blood running down his head and his knees on the floor, turned towards Krist with such an expression of anger and hatred that made him take a couple of steps back. Moving away from the man who, with one of his hands now on his own wound, was getting up without taking his eyes off him.

- "I can tell that you are not going to give up, right?" - Porsche finally said - "but it does not matter. I will finish you... One way or another".

After which he launched himself at Krist who, raising his club again, tried to hit him for a second time. However, with a quick movement, Porsche pulled away and, taking Krist's wrist with his hand, forced him to drop his weapon and then he made him kneel on the floor.

Krist however, struck Porsche's leg causing him to also fall to the ground.

A few minutes later they began to struggle as they rolled around, raising a cloud of dust and dirt.


A bright red car appeared on the street and, with a sharp halt, stopped near the place where Off had told him he was waiting for him.

Singto jumped out of the vehicle and, ignoring the signs his brother was throwing at him, started running towards the factory. However, and before he could get near the building, a pair of hands prevented him from passing the corner of the street.

There, watching him with worried faces, were two men and a girl that Singto thought he knew from before but couldn't remember.

- "You can't enter inside like this!" - Off exclaimed as he grabbed his brother by the arm and tried to force him to accompany him towards the shadows of the corner from which everyone had been observing the building.

- "Don't try to stop me!" - Singto refuted without taking his eyes off the old doors behind which was his own boyfriend and the damn bastard who had kidnapped him- "I'm going to go inside and I am going to kill that asshole!".

Off sighed, and with an expression that showed his concern but also his obfuscation, started to pull Singto, ignoring his attempts to get free.

- "Knott is not alone ... someone else is helping him and if you go inside like a madman, you could complicate the situation even more" - Off said while trying to calm Singto down. 

They were so busy that none of them noticed the ghost who, with a determined expression on his face, was heading towards the factory,  much less that Win was approaching them with an indecipherable expression on his face.

The young boy, who just a few hours ago had been smiling while thinking that he was finally going to meet his brother's famous boyfriend, stood next to Singto and, with a serious face, put a hand on his arm.

- "I know how you are feeling... I want to do the same as you but we have to think about how we are going to help them without further aggravating the situation they are already in" - he said in a calm voice - "the last thing I want is for Krist to get hurt because of us".

Singto stopped struggling and, with a look full of despair, watched Win's face as the boy smiled slightly and nodded.

- "I keep saying that we have to call the police" - Off growled as he took a brief look at Win and then at Singto but, above all, at the young girl who, with soaked cheeks, could only cry while covering her face with her hands - "I understand that it is hard for you but... I think they are the only ones that can solve this matter..."

Pim looked up.

Her eyes were red and swollen.

- "I..."

However, before she could say anything else, a voice rang out in the street causing everyone to turn back and look at its source.

Different expressions appeared on their faces but undoubtedly most of them were of relief, joy and even hope. Only the woman in the group was looking at the newcomer with concern and even fear.

- "That is not necessary" - said, in a serious voice, the man who, in uniform and with a pistol in his hand, was quickly approaching the group - "the police are already here".

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