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Singto picked up the tray with the sweets that he had ordered with a smile that made the waitress blush and look down at the floor.

- "Thank you very much" - he said. 

After which he turned and headed towards the room where the tables of the establishment were located. His eyes scanned the faces of the different clients, until they settled on the face of a young man with black hair and light skin who was standing next to an empty table.

However, his smile disappeared immediately as he noticed that Krist was not alone but with another man, taller and with big muscles, that was talking to him.

"Maybe he's a friend", Singto said to himself as he started to walk towards them.

However, he soon began to realize that something was wrong. The boy's expression was not exactly that of someone happy to meet a friend or an acquaintance, Krist seemed really uncomfortable and even somewhat scared.

But it was not until the moment he saw how the stranger started pulling at him, that he began to realize what was really happening between them.

With a couple of quick steps, he approached the man who was turning his back on him and, with one hand, grabbed his wrist, making him release his prey. Seconds later Krist took a few steps back, trying to get away from the man while making a slight gesture of pain as he moved his arm.

Singto groaned, feeling truly angry.

- "What the hell?!" - Knott exclaimed while turning towards him

- "Never touch my boyfriend again, Do you understand me?" - Singto said in a cold and cutting voice.

Krist raised his head, shifting his gaze from his aching arm towards his face as Singto, ignoring the boy's surprised look, continued to stare at the stranger that was in front of him.

- "So you are the boyfriend ..." - Knott said as he began to show a sly smile - "because I am the person with whom he was cheating on you during last summer ".

Singto's expression turned impassive.

So this was Krist's previous boyfriend....

The idiot who had been dating him while he had a fiancee.

Singto gave a short laugh as he offered Krist his hand. When the latter, despite his surprised expression, placed a cold hand on his, Singto made him get close enough to put his arm around his waist.

Krist ended being completely glued to his side.

- "You must be Knott...." - Singto commented in a calm voice. As if it didn't matter at all - "my baby told me that he dated you during those three months that we were separated but that it wasn't anything important. A couple of outings to dinner and to the movies but nothing more...".

Knott stopped smiling immediately while Singto, after seeing his shocked expression, kissed Krist's head in a possessive manner.

- "As you can see, my baby and I have no secrets from each other. On the other hand, I don't think your fiancée can say the same about you" - he continued saying - "after all, you were dating Krist while you were engaged in marriage".

Krist raised his head, looking at Singto's face. It was then that he began to notice the slight murmurs that were starting to sorround them. He watched in horror as the clients that were there started to whisper while covering their mouths with their hands and giving them looks that were suppose to get unnoticed.

- "Sing .." - Krist muttered as he tugged lightly on the man's shirt.

Singto looked down and, noticing the boy's uncomfortable expression and how his eyes were going towards the listeners that were around them, gave him a reassuring smile.

- "Don't worry Krist, nothing will happen.." - he said with a much softer and velvety voice - "you know that I trust you and our love...".

After which, ignoring Knott and the rest of the people who were watching them and even recording what was happening, he brought his face close to Krist's and gave him a brief kiss on the lips.

Krist felt his heart skip a beat inside his chest the instant he felt Singto's soft lips pressed to his.

"My second kiss .."

His eyes, still wide opened, began to close while his lips parted in an offer that Singto, finally, chose not to take advantage of despite the fact that it was almost fisically hurting him not to bury his tongue in that little mouth that was under his and that it tasted like his favorite cookies.

A few seconds later, Krist noted how Singto was staring to separate himself from him so... with a sigh of regret, he opened his eyes to find himself in front of a brown gaze that was looking at him with affection, admiration, surprise and ... love?

Krist wasn't sure what he was seeing in the depths of Singto's eyes but, if he was sure of something, it was that he was beginning to like Sing more than he should. Especially when, between them, was still Porsche and that stupid contract with his agency.

However, that didn't stop him from showing the man a slight shy smile. A smile that Singto immediately shared and that grew larger as Krist began to redden as he realized where they were.

OMG! 😨😨😨🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

Krist looked around and, after seeing the smiling faces of the clients and especially, Knott's furious expression, his face reddened completely. Seconds later, with a slight moan, he ran into Singto's arms and buried his face into the man's neck while fervently wishing about being anywhere but inside that cafeteria.

- "My baby is so shy ..." - Singto mused with a wide smile that made many of those present also smile while commenting on the beautiful couple they made. They had all forgotten the man who, with his face on fire and a rictus of fury and jealousy on his lips, was still watching the two boys as they began to walk towards the sales area.

Knott took a couple of steps toward them, yet a hand stopped him. He turned around, facing a girl who, without saying a word, simply shook her head. 

With a sigh Pim turned her eyes towards Krist who, still hugging his boyfriend, finally disappeared from their sight.

- "It seems that he has already move on..." - the woman finally whispered with a sad sigh.

Knot, who had also been  looking at them, turned his gaze towards her and shook his head with fury.

- "I do not believe it ... I know that he is still in love with me!" 

- "Knott ..." - Pim started to say

The latter ignored her and... when he saw the black-haired young man walking in front of one of the windows with a bag of sweets in one hand while with the other he held tightly his boyfriend's hand, he started to walk towards the secondary door of the cafeteria with a decided sparkle in his eyes.

- "Oh, no .. no way!" - whispered a voice that seemed to come out of nowhere.

A second later, Knott stepped on a pool of water that had mysteriously formed in front of the door and fell backwards.

One of his arms collided with a table that, until a few seconds ago had been empty but where there was now a delicious three-story cake that, due to the blow, flew off and fell on the young man's face and shirt.

Everyone laughted as Pim, trying not to smear herself with meringue and cream, helped the young man to sit on the floor while a waiter came running with a cloth and an expression that the woman knew quite well.

"Let's hope we have enough money to pay for the cake, or I'm afraid we're going to end the day washing dishes in the kitchen ...", Pim thought as she sighed and looked out the window at the two men who, without noticing what had happened, were walking hand in hand and with a smile on each of their faces.

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