08. The Forbidden Pool (4)

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Nori sees a little boy.

No, she is a little boy: a small and very frightened boy. A beautiful woman is in the room with him, busy looking for something.

There is a sudden movement outside in the twilight. He is scared, very, very scared.

She holds him in her arms for a bit, her presence and warmth making everything feeling better. She opens a small wooden chest and asks him to step inside. The noise outside is getting louder. There is a voice shouting curses and pleadings. This is the court lady's voice, he knows her. She is nice and smiles at him a lot. Her voice goes silent.

"Stay here" his mother says. "No matter what happens, do not make a sound."

The door of the chest is closed, he can hear her locking it with a key. He feels cold and uncomfortable, he is holding his breath.

"Where is the boy?" a harsh male voice echos into the room.

" I sent him away this morning." his mother replies. "I am not that stupid to keep him here with me. I am not that stupid to trust the help of a Magistrate."

Something heavy hits the floor, the boy shivers. A single tear falls down his cheek.

" Don't try to lie to me!"

" You can waste your time with me all you want. Meanwhile he is travelling far away from here"

Loud noises of things falling and breaking to pieces fill the room. His mother laughs.

"You are a bunch of idiots," she says.

"Get her out of here!" the man orders.

More voices are heard outside. There is a sudden commotion, cries in the distance.

Heavy steps come closer. Someone is trying to open the chest from outside, shaking the locker. The boy's heart is beating fast, almost bursting out of his chest. But he doesn't move, he makes no sound. A sword cuts through the chest door, the blade only an inch from his face.

"We need to go. Those stupid rebels are here." another harsh voice is heard.

The sword disappears, a single crack left in the door behind it.

Silence. Deafening silence.

He is alone in the dark closet. He finds it hard to breath. He cannot get out.

There is a single crack on the door and a single ray of dim light entering, hovering over his face. His only way to breath.

He waits. He waits frozen in place for his mother to return.

The lights in the room go off. It is completely dark now.

No one is coming. He tries to open the door but it is locked. He cannot get out.

He sees the moonlight entering through the crack, shining over this face. He feels cold and lonely. He thinks this must be the end.

"Yoongi!" he hears his name suddenly, called by a familiar voice.

He tries to answer but his throat is dry. Almost no sound comes out. He shakes the door, desperate to open it, but feels too weak.

Something heavy is hitting the door and it finally opens. He can breath again.

They are running into the woods, his legs are short and he is constantly falling but his companion is holding his hand firmly and forcing him to continue.

"Hyung, I can't! I am tired"

" We must go on! Come on, or they will catch us."

" I need to find my mother."

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