41. Memories(8)

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The amount of work the King is supposed to do is piling up on his desk but he has no desire to do any of it. Instead, Yoongi decides to arrange the Princess's jewelry into a wooden box. He picks a small pretty chest, illustrated with images of blue birds. He places a soft purple scarf at the bottom, and adds the pins inside one by one. He doesn't like the hair extension, it's heavy and unnecessary. He throws it away.

When is the right time to go to the Princess? It's almost dark outside. Shall he wait more? Better to go earlier than later.

He takes a quick bath and changes into a clean set of clothes. He calls a servant to help him fix his hair and puts on a new headband. Isn't he overdoing it? He will just go for five minutes, no need to dress up so much. Yet, he needs to be presentable, set an example. He puts on his favorite set of golden jewelry and a beautiful overcoat.

He grabs the box he prepared and heads for the door. He stops at the entrance. After everything that happened she probably prefers to be alone.

Yoongi steps back. He walks in circles around the room, looking down at the box he holds. He should give her the jewelry back. Yes, he should return them tonight or he might forget. He is too busy to think of such things. He will return the jewelry and come back. Only for five minutes, he won't disturb her for longer.

Yoongi turns towards the door, but before he can take a step forward, his guard announces the arrival of one of the Princess's court ladies.

Minju asks for the Princess's hairpins. The King frowns. Why is the Princess in a hurry to get them back? Couldn't she wait for Yoongi to bring them? Whatever. Who cares?

"Take them." Yoongi pushes the box into the court lady's hands. "Tell the Princess to not leave her things around the Palace."

"Yes, Your Highness." Minju bows and exits.

Yoongi leaves dinner untouched. His head hurts. Unwanted thoughts haunt his mind.

If the Princess is sending her court lady without any letter or a note, it probably means she doesn't want to see him. Of course she doesn't; she wants to be alone. She prefers to cry over her stupid fiance. What a jerk. Who is that man anyway? Doesn't matter. He is probably out there making another woman miserable. It's not Yoongi's fault that that bastard left. It's not Yoongi's fault that the meadow was enchanted. Who knows what kind of dangerous magic was surrounding that place. He did the Princess a favor. It was the right thing to do. Of course, it was.

Yoongi drinks a few slips of his favorite cold tea but its effect is not as refreshing as usual. The taste is strange, almost bitter. Yoongi throws the rest of the tea in the garden and changes into a light grey hanbok. He plunges on the cushions in front of his desk and grabs the small letter on top of the huge pile.

It's another note from Yona.

Dear Yoongi,

You still haven't answered me. I worry for you. I miss you.

I hope you will come to visit me soon. Nothing tastes as sweet as your lips, nothing feels as good as the touch of your hands. What is the Princess doing to keep you there? I heard you haven't legitimised the marriage yet. You must be starving. Come to me. I know what you want. I can make you forget all. You will melt into my arms and all problems will disappear.

Come and be mine.

I will write to you each day until you come.

And once you come I will punish you.

Yoongi throws the paper to the side. These letters are getting worse.

For a second Yoongi is tempted to drop everything and go to the witch. But his legs are heavy, the thought of riding through the forest is too tiresome. Besides, if he goes, Yona will complain and ask for explanations. She has become way too insecure recently. Or maybe she won't complain, maybe she will do exactly as written in the letter - she will help him forget. She is good at doing that.

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