97.Paintings & Pirates (7)

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a/n: I had some free time in the weekend so I finished this part. It's looong.... 

I hope you like it. The rest of the chapter  (8 and 9 ) should be finished soon as well :) 


Yona poured herself a glass of red wine and sat in the corner of the room. The King, the almighty King of Daegu, was lying naked on the floor in her house, his energy spent and taken from him. The taste of his lips lingered in her mouth as sweet as the cherry wine she was drinking. A taste she was to enjoy for a long, long time.

Every being carries magic, yet the more a witch uses that magic or the more she sucks it out of people - the weaker they become. But not Kings. The magic of King's is a bottle that refills itself, no matter how many times one drains it. Like a spring of fresh water. Neither old age nor sickness can make the King's magic diminish. Because he carries the protective energy of the whole Kingdom.

Min Yoongi is the source of pleasure and power that Yona has always dreamt to have access to. Ever since she was a little girl, the witch knew her talents and skills exceeded those of other people, or even other witches. Magic answered her wishes easily. It's why many others envied her; it's why other witches tried to destroy her. Those pathetic bitches. Yona outsmarted them all. She was never bested by anyone; if she wanted something - she got it.

Yona was tricked only once, by a man more cunning than she was. But not again, never again. Now Yona was the one who could bend others to her will.

Min Yoongi craved to let go of all control. Yona knew that from the moment she first saw him. It was a matter of time to break his resistance. Yona was a patient woman, she knew to pluck the fruits only when they were ripe. Not a day earlier. And she waited for that perfect moment when the King was weak enough to let go. Tonight everything she planned worked out flawlessly.

As she sipped her wine, staring down at the King, Yona considered herself very lucky. Her plan might not have worked with another man. But Yoongi was so broken, he was perfect.

On top of that, he is a handsome man and a skilful lover. He fucks like he means it. He desires her intensely. What more can a witch wish for? Being the confidant of a King is the best chance any mage gets to taste the real power of magic.

Yoongi is the perfect bottle of wine. A wine that tastes like heaven and makes one stronger. And Yona is the best thing the King of Daegu could ever get - a beautiful, seductive and skilful lover who would ensure his position for many years to come. With Yona on his side, he would be stronger, no one would be able to influence or hurt him. No one but the witch.

Soon Yoongi would become so obsessed with Yona that no other woman would matter to him. No fine Lady could give him the pleasure and escapism Yona can provide.

Sick people always go to the witch for medicine and she sells them some. But only the type that gives temporary relief. Not the one that heals. And they come back for more. Yoongi would be coming back too.

A King or not, Yoongi is just a man, and all men have inner-doubts that make them easy to influence. His insecurities are like the strings of a puppet. And Yona managed to pull his strings successfully. It's a matter of time before she becomes the puppet master who controls the whole Kingdom.

Min Yoongi would be hers. His body, his soul and his Kingdom - all of it would belong to Yona. She broke the King's defences tonight but it was only the beginning. She still had a lot to do. She had to convince him to agree to her plan. Yet, that seemed very doable at the moment. The King would agree to her wishes, sooner or later. And then he would be truly hers.

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