149. Kingdom (5)

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a/n: I am posting it a day earlier than I said 🤭, I hope you like it 😊

Min Yoongi came to her without his shoes, without his robe, without his crown

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Min Yoongi came to her without his shoes, without his robe, without his crown. He came to her in his wild state of drunkenness. He came to her uninvited, looking at Nori with a dangerous flame burning in his eyes. She is too drunk to trust herself being around him. Her mind is clouded and fuzzy, she is acting bold and foolish. She should not be asking him to stay with her. Yet, she wishes not to send him away. She could not send him away.

Nori needs him near her, more than ever. Yoongi is wiser than she is at the moment. He would never do more than she allows him to. She knows that much and it's all she needs to know.

The world dances around them as they walk towards her room, and even if the interior is hardly lit, Nori feels as if the world has never been more colorful. They step inside the bedroom stumbling, holding on to each other for support. Yoongi leans in and kisses her neck, soft peck after a soft peck. He slides his hand under her wet robe and wraps it around her waist.

"You should take this off," he whispers.

Nori slips out of his grasp, smiling cheekily, "No, you can't see all of me yet."

"But your clothes are wet..." He looks down at himself. "My pants are wet, too."

She takes his hand. "Come, I have a solution."

Nori leads him into the wardrobe room, enjoying how easily he agrees to follow her. It feels so nice when they get along, when there are no arguments, and no quarrels. It feels so nice to be together.

Yoongi looks around the narrow space that is packed with clothes, jewelry and hair extensions. "You want to do it here?" he asks.

Nori chuckles. "No, silly, I am going to pick a robe for you to wear. There are a few large ones that will fit you." She traces her hand over the many robes arranged by the wall, until she picks a black one, embroidered with golden butterflies. "This one," She points at the robe, "You change here, and I will change in the bedroom."

Yoongi laughs."People get undressed in such situations, yet you are picking clothes for me."

"Do you want me to see you naked?"

"Not yet..."

"Then we do it our way." She points to the side of her dressing table. "There is a small bucket of water in the corner. You can wash your poor feet, I think they would appreciate it." She leans towards him and locks eyes with Yoongi, her cheeks blushing. "Wear only the robe, nothing else."

He smirks. "Alcohol makes you quite bold."

Nori shrugs, holding his gaze firmly, even if she is shaking on the inside. "Pick me a robe to wear."

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