104.Raven's claws (5)

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a/n: This part is very long, I didn't know how to cut it. The next parts are shorter


Nori's legs hurt as she walks, leaving small drops of blood here and there. But she can't stop circling the room, mumbling various curses at the King.

She hates him.

But not really. She doesn't. And that is what annoys her so much.

Nori can never hate this man with the same blind intensity as before. Not after seeing his softer side. She is upset with him but she doesn't hate him. On the contrary, she wants to ask if he is feeling okay because his magic is so weak and distant. She wants to ask him to go to sleep because he looks so tired. And she wants to ask him to never see Yona again because she is cruel and dangerous and she will most definitely betray him at some point.

Fuck this! Nori should not be concerned about the King's well-being or interfere in his love life. If he wants to get himself hurt, that's his business.

"I don't care," she says out loud."I really don't care, why should I care? I don't care."

The sound of his footsteps approaches the entrance, making Nori flinch. She straightens her back and assumes an expression of indifference.

"Do you have warm water?" Yoongi says, stepping into the room.

"Yes...." She points at the corner. "I have hot water in that big magic pot. The servants said it will keep its temperature for a whole day. You can give me the medicine and leave."

She stretches her hand out, but Yoongi puts the cream into his pocket.

"I am not leaving. I want to make sure you are okay."

"I am not okay. But your presence here won't change that."

The King looks at her for a long moment, then grabs her hand and closes her fingers into a fist.

"Hit me." He lifts her fist in the air, close to his face. "Come on, break my nose."

"What?" She pulls her hand out of his. "Are you crazy?"

"Punch me in the face, come on, do it."

"Why would I?"

"Because I humiliated you. I kissed her in front of you. I am not that much of an imbecile not to know that was wrong. So go on - hit me. Scream at me. Do whatever you want. I deserve it. But don't tell me to leave. Because I won't."

Nori takes a step back and shakes her head. "It's pointless for you to stay. That won't change anything. Just go, Min Yoongi. And take your magic with you." She slides his ring out of her finger and tosses it on the ground between them. "I don't need it. Its light burns my eyes. I prefer to sneak around."

Yoongi doesn't move, apparently determined to be annoying and not to leave. 

"You don't have to stay here and pretend you give a damn about how I feel." Nori adds. "Go and sleep, you look like you will pass out any moment now. I can take care of myself."

He presses his lips together, his expression turning deadly cold.

"You said we should work on this together," he snaps."You said we have to fight for this marriage to work. But tonight you were not on my side. You left me standing alone between you and her. You shut me out. You didn't explain anything to me. And now when I asked again, you refused to speak once more. You are not communicating with me openly, you throw accusations and insults towards Yona without context."

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