94.Paintings & Pirates (4)

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a/n: By the end of the whole chapters you might hate Yona more but ... we just have to go through this. Please read the warnings I posted if any explicit content makes you uncomfortable. ( more notes at the end)  PS. Also this chapter is loooong ...

Yoongi stood in the middle of the room and stared at the witch for a long time

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Yoongi stood in the middle of the room and stared at the witch for a long time. She had never looked as magnificent as she did that night, nor as excited. Of course her excitement was not obvious - it was hidden in her controlled movements, devious expressions and carefully selected words. But Yoongi knew her well enough to recognise what that particular sparkle in her eyes ment.

Yona was thrilled and nervous. She scratched her index finger against her thumb when she was nervous. It was a rare sight but it always happened when she was proposing something new. Her nervousness was not due to the fact she doubted her success, on the contrary - it was due to the anticipation of that success.

Yona considered herself to be the smartest person in the room. And while she was one of the most cunning and inventive women Yoongi knew, she was often blind to her flaws. Like most people are.

Yoongi was aware of his flaws, most of them at least. The old wizard had never missed a chance to point them out. Yoongi hated him for that as much as he was thankful for it. For there is nothing more dangerous than a powerful man in denial of his limitations and weaknesses.

One's biggest desire is one's biggest weakness. It's their breaking point and their blind spot. The secret door leading to their failure. People do all kinds of stupid things to get what they want, without thinking about the consequences. Thus, desires need to be controlled and monitored - this is what the wizard used to say.

Yona loved power. She craved it with unbridled hunger. Yoongi liked that quality in her, it reminded him of his own ambitions as a young man determined to have it all. He admired her decisiveness and the fact she fought for what she wanted.

Yet, she was obsessed with the adrenaline of power and with the magic that made her stronger than an ordinary person. She considered herself superior to others - which was a dangerous assumption.

Yoongi had noticed how much she enjoyed it when she got access to his magic. She grew addicted to it. And addiction is never good. But it gave Yoongi the reassurance that Yona needed him - and because she did, she was less prone to betray him. She could hardly find another King who was ready to feed her with his magic. No one would ever offer her what Yoongi offered. This was a mutually beneficial relationship, one she made sure never grows into something else.

He was thankful for that, too - for the cruel tactics she used to remind him not to be foolish. He slipped sometimes, he couldn't help it. Because one of Yoongi's weaknesses was the desire to please, to impress and .... other things he dared not to mention. He had buried them deep under his obligations and ambitions.

"Why do you hesitate?" she asked. "Do you want us to spend years trying to complete that spell, or do you want to have results soon?"

Yoongi smiled coldly, the alcohol he drank still burning his throat."So you think me kneeling in front of you will give us results? Isn't this something you want me to do to make you feel special?"

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