152. Clocks (3)

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After a few more minutes of walking, they reach a rocky meadow that ends in a precipice. A large stream comes from the depths of the forest, runs through the meadow and falls down the edge of the precipice towards the Palace. Its water sparkles under the moonlight, glowing with unusual brightness.

"This is one of nine streams that can be found in this area." Jin says. "They are called the Tears of the Mountain. We collect their water and use it in the Palace. This particular stream grows to become what people call the Moon river."

Jimin smiles, his eyes glimmer with excitement. "Perfect. The magic river is exactly what we need." He examines the surroundings for a moment. "Jungkook, use that strength of yours and lift some rocks for me."

Jungkook hands the torch to Nori, leaves the bucket and gets busy helping Jimin. Jin gives them various pieces of advice that they ignore.

Nori walks towards the precipice and looks down towards the Palace showing in between the branches of the trees, its many lights twinkle in the distance. She remembers the night she and Yoongi sat on the stairs and admired the view opening in front of them.

Is there a place, higher in the mountain, from where she can see the entire Palace without anything obscuring the view? Will Yoongi be willing to take her there?

"Nori?" Jimin calls for her. "I need you here."

She turns and walks towards them. Jungkook has arranged a few large river stones one above the other, making a small table inside the stream, close to its shore.

Jimin places a bunch of dry branches on top of the stones and turns to Nori. "Place the ring in the middle."

She does what he asked and takes a step back. Jin and Jungkook stand close by, staring at Jimin with childlike curiosity.

"To melt gold we need a very high temperature." Jimin says. "Once we start the fire I will use magic to raise its temperature and melt the ring. Then, we can re-shape it into a key. Once I call for water, Jungkook should splash it over the fire."

"Won't the ring end up in the river?" Jin asks. "I do not wish to look for it all night."

"No, the ring won't move. I will enchant it to stand still." He turns to Nori. "Remember, using magic requires a lot of concentration and a clear mind. And you have to trust me. All of you should trust me."

Jin and Kook nod simultaneously, resembling soldiers preparing for a battle.

"Jungkook, get ready." Jimin says, sitting down by the river shore.

Kook takes the torch out of Nori's hand, spends it and leaves it leaning on a tree. He fills the bucket with water, takes the other torch out of Jin's hands and stands behind the wizard.

"The two of you," Jimin says. "Sit on each side of me and do exactly as I tell you."

Nori and Jin exchange a quick glance and take their seats by the wizard's side. Jimin takes out a small vial from his inner pocket and sprinkles blue powder over the ring and the pile of tree branches. He chooses one long brunch and lifts in the air.

"Jungkook, start the fire." he instructs.

Kook takes the brunch from Jimin's hand and sticks its edge into the torch until it catches fire. He throws it into the pile. The stone burst into flames. Jimin stares at the fire, his eyes tense and focused. His pupils seem to have turned red, reflecting the fire like mirrors.

"Hold my hand and close your eyes," he says. "Both of you."

Jin hesitates for a moment, yet he follows his instructions. Nori glances at the fire, watching how the flames devour her ring. She grabs the wizard's hand and closes her eyes.

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