35. Memories (2)

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Soft steamed dumplings, lean grilled meat, colorful side dishes and a bowl of fresh fruits are arranged on the table in front of Jungkook. He should have devoured them by now. Yet, he remains still, chews on his chopstick, and looks at the food unseeingly.

Namjoon observes him from the other side of the porch, leaning on the wall.

The guard was found wandering around the gardens, completely drenched and miserable-looking. Joon gave him a pair of dry clothes and ordered food as soon as the storm quieted down. But Jungkook hasn't spoken more than a few words since he was brought here.

Drops of rain slide down from Kook's hair as he bends forward. He picks a dumpling but his hand slips and the dumpling drops on his lap. Jungkook doesn't notice and puts the empty chopsticks in his mount.

"What is wrong?" Namjoon asks.

No answer.

Kook's eyes lift to stare at the distance, the lines of his forehead deepen as some thought passes through his mind.


Joon turns in the direction of the call, recognising his sister's voice. Nori runs from the gardens towards the open porch and throws herself into her brother's arms. She stands on tiptoes, wraps her hands around his neck and hides her head into his torso. Her clothes are damn and her hair set loose.

"I don't remember the way to my room, but I remember my way here." Nori says, releasing Joon from her embrace. He stands still as a stone, looking at his sister with eyes wide open.

She smiles. "I always know how to find you."

Joon's lips open but no words come out. The shadow that blurred Nori's gaze is gone.There is a sparkle in her eyes that Namjoon hasn't seen for years.

"What is this? It looks delicious!" she exclaims, her attention shifting to the food. She perches next to Jungkook, fetches a dumpling with a spare pair of chopsticks and eats it in one go. Then grabs another.

"It is delicious!" She examines the dumpling with delight. Her eyes turn towards the guard. "Kookie, why is your hair wet? Did you get lost in the rain? You should dry your hair so you don't catch a cold."

Jungkook opens his mouth to speak but Nori pushes the dumpling between his lips.

"Eat first, answer me later." she says."These are getting cold."

Kook sulks, hardly swallowing the food.

"I don't have an appetite."

"But the taste is amazing!" Nori bites another dumpling with the excitement of a little kid eating sweets on their birthday. "You are missing a lot by not eating."

Namjoon watches his sister devour the rest of the dumplings while Kook frowns at her attempts to feed him.

"Have you two exchanged bodies?" Joon raises an eyebrow.

Kook pats his chest. "I am still me." he says, feeling his torso.

Nori chuckles.

"A Jungkook who refuses dumplings is a fake Jungkook," she squints her eyes at the guard and pokes him with her finger. "Joonie, where did you find this imposter?"

Namjoon smiles, his posture relaxing.

"I sent my servant to look for you but he found Jungkook instead." he says and takes a few steps forward. He stops by the table opposite his sister and looks down at Jungkook. "He has been acting strange, maybe someone enchanted him..."

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