04. The Witch (2)

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"Yoongi? I didn't expect you here tonight?" Yona says, opening the door and faking a surprised look.

"I am pretty sure you did ... " the King snarls and enters the room with the expression of a storm cloud.

"How did it go with your new lovely wife?" Yona asks with a sly smile.

"Marvelous," Yoongi answers without looking at her. 

"I can see that ..."

Yona is eyeing her guest head to toe. He has come here without a hat or an overcoat, still dressed in ceremonial clothes. He must have left in a hurry. She concludes this could mean only one thing: the marriage has not been consummated yet.

"Why do I even try!?!" Yoongi says loudly to himself, pacing back and forth, "There is no point to be kind to people, they are ungrateful! ...Why would one accept a political marriage and then act like a spoiled kid? One should stand by their decisions. I am not some old and ugly pervert. I am the most desired man in Daegu... She could have ended with a far worse husband than me... So ungrateful ... "

As he continues with his endless monologue he turns to look at Yona and notices her satisfied expression.

"You look pleased." he says

"I told you this marriage is a waste of time." Yona says, slowly stepping closer to the King "I am not sure how and why that princess upset you but ... " she pauses to remove a few loose strings of hair from Yoongi's face, " I can help you feel better.."

She starts to wrap her arms around him but he steps away.

"I am not in the mood" Yoongi says coldly.

"Then why did you come here?" Yona asks, irritated by his refusal.

"I just wanted to get away from her. ..."

"So the princess was so terribly annoying, she made you leave your own palace? Why not just throw her out instead?"

He doesn't answer, just looks away.

Something is wrong. Yoongi is not just angry, other things are bothering him as well. The whole energy around him is very unusual.

"Yoongi, what's wrong?" she asks.

"The wound bled ... " he says quietly, still looking away.

"She made the scar bleed?! What could she possibly ... "

"I don't really want to talk about it..." Yoongi cuts her words and goes to sit by the small table in the corner of the room.

"Do you have some of that foreign drink? I need some of that ... " he says.

"You came all the way here, in the middle of the night, after a wedding banquet, just to drink whiskey?" Yona mocks him with a teasing voice.

" I came to visit the hot spring ... I need to relax.. "

" I can help you relax ..." Yona says sitting next to her lover. Her hands are slowly travelling over the silk fabric that is covering his firm torso. He hasn't visit her for a while now, busy with the wedding and other stupid arrangements. She really wants to remind him what he has been missing.

" Let me help you forget all the things that bother you ... " she continues, leaning closer. " I can even let you be in charge this time, I know you would like that, no? I can let you ... "

"I need the whiskey." Yoongi cuts her words with a harsh tone.

"Sure ...I will bring it to you. But I am not your servant girl, Yoongi, dear. I really don't like when you order me around" she smiles coldly but goes to bring the King what he wants.

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