139. Moonlight (11)

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Nori leaves her back next to the bedroom door and turns to look at Yoongi

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Nori leaves her back next to the bedroom door and turns to look at Yoongi. "I will go feed Biscuit and warm up the food." she says. "You can wash up and change your clothes meanwhile. Put on some warm sleeping wear."

Yoongi grins. "You should spoil me less or I might get used to it."

"Enjoy it while it lasts." Nori says and springs out of the room.

The night turns darker as she leaves, or so it seems. Maybe a cloud passed over the Moon and hid its light, or maybe everything does turn gloomier without the Princess. Yoongi turns towards the lantern she lit and stares at its flickering light.

He feels conflicting emotions of embarrassment and gratitude. On one hand he is not particularly happy Nori saw him in this state, but on the other hand her appearing in the forest with her little sword and lantern must have been the most weirdly wonderful moment in his life.

He felt so alone and abandoned there in the woods, with none of his friends around, only with his stupidity as a companion, worrying more about what Nori is doing all by herself, rather than worrying about his wound still bleeding or about Yona showing how little she cares about his well-being.

When he heard Nori's voice he thought he was hallucinating, that his guilty conscience is playing tricks on him. But it was her voice that made him keep crawling back, even if he felt like he had no strength to move.

He wishes he can give her everything she needs, without having to ask her to tolerate Yona, or anyone else. But he is in no position to do that. He is the King of one of the biggest and strongest Kingdoms in the Eastern Realm, and he can't make his wife truly happy.

He wishes he didn't have to have a wife, that no woman would ever be required to stay by his side and put up with his bullshit. No woman should wander the woods at night to look for him, or be threatened by tigers and witches, just because she chose to marry him.

But he needs a wife... and if other women might expect him to love them and adore them, at least Nori wishes none of that. So maybe, once the spell is done and Yona is happy and content, then Yoongi can make Nori happy, too. In whatever way that is possible.

He sighs and rubs his forehead, his noisy thoughts attempting to fry his brain. He lifts himself up and starts changing his clothes. He puts on his sleep wear and a blue robe on top. His body is still weak and he gets tired by doing even this most simple thing. He sits by the small dining table and waits for the Princess.

It takes her a century to return. She steps into the room, carrying a trail full of food and sits in front of him. Slowly and carefully, she arranges the food on the table - kimchi stew, white rice, cucumber sesame salad that she must have made herself, and a bowl full of fruits.

"Eat it all." Nori says, handling him the chopsticks. "You haven't eaten all day, you need energy."

"Won't you eat?" Yoongi says, pushing the stew in her direction.

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