134.Moonlight (6)

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Nori's heart races, her body tense with anticipation. He holds her right hand tight, her fingers prisoners of his, his palm firmly pressed against the top of her hand. The heat of his touch seems to increase as if both their hands will soon catch fire.

"You want to play with me, Nori, isn't that right?" Yoongi asks. Every time he utters her name, shivers run down her spine. He has turned bold and audacious, hidden behind his seductive power. He has turned irresistible.

And Nori, who has always been cautious and hesitant, has turned impatient for him to touch her and free her from any disturbing thoughts and worries. She wishes not to hesitate any more, she wants to feel. To feel alive, feel free, feel good.

She has been denying her body any such pleasure for years, and now, after him kissing her, holding her and being so affectionate to her, her lust for more has gone out of control. Nori needs to feel closer to him. She wants to disappear in his embrace and to surrender to him completely.

"I want to do all that you want to do,"she says.

Yoongi plants a soft kiss on the side of her neck. "That's my good girl." He takes her dress with his free hand and slides it up her body until the edge of the clothing barely covers her sex. She bites on her lips, pressing her trembling knees against one another.

"Do you know what I want you to do for me now?" Yoongi says, caressing her thigh."Or shall I explain?"

Nori's heart beats louder, pumping new found bravery in her veins. She parts her legs open, sliding her feet down in the process until her limbs are laying on the ground. The cool air brushes against her wet folds and she feels almost entirely naked.

"What a good girl you are." Yoongi says, "You know exactly what to do. I like that."

His praise excites her. She turns extra brave and lifts her feet to lay her ankles over Yoongi's legs in order to spread her legs further apart.

"You really know what to do, don't you?" he says.

"I know more than you think."

"Of course," He chuckles, "but let's expand your knowledge." He moves their joint hands together, bringing them under her dress, his grasp so tight it feels their hands are one and the same. Nori is nothing but a puppet in his power, but she doesn't fight it. She likes to feel him like that, all around her, holding her close. Yet, her body is tense and stiff and she trembles with nervousness.

"Relax...." Yoongi whispers with his honey voice," Relax, Nori, it will be okay. I will guide you, I will show you how good it feels to enjoy the pleasures of your body."

He glazes their joint fingers over her folds, the slight touch teases her senses and makes her core clench over nothing. She gasps, biting hard on her lower lip.

"Relax..." Yoongi kisses her neck and repeats the same movement, making her caress her bare sex with her own fingers. Nori's body trembles. She grabs Yoongi's left thigh, pressing herself backwards into his chest. The warmth of his body engulfs her, his breath brushes her skin, his lips fall on her neck and he plants kiss after kiss on her skin. Her mind blurs, and the sensations of her body take control over her.

Yoongi spreads his thumb and glazes it over her folds, adding to the teasing feeling her own fingers are causing. Nori digs her feet into the carpet, her core pulsating with growing arousal.

He has touched her before, yet this time it feels different. It feels more intimate. Before he was the King who tricked her into surrendering to her desires, now he is Yoongi who is being so caring and patient and careful.

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