95.Paintings & Pirates (5)

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a/n:  Since it has been such a long time since I updated  I decided to post the few parts I have finished. But if you prefer to read the whole chapter at once, I suggest you to wait until part (9) is published. But that could be in a few weeks from now. 

( this part could be a little frustrating )

His body was burning with primal desire, the need to come being so strong that nothing else mattered

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His body was burning with primal desire, the need to come being so strong that nothing else mattered. "Please.. " he begged. "Please..."

A King should never beg in such a pathetic way, but right now Yoongi was no King, he was Yona's servant.

"Please..." his voice broke and trembled, his mind on the verge of madness. Then it happened - she took mercy on him. His gracious mistress brought him to the stars. He was so dazed he wasn't sure if he was awake or dreaming. He could sense the warmth of the magic around and the tight grip of the ropes, and her soft lips as she moved away from him. Yet, all felt unreal.

After the ecstasy passed there was calmness. Clarity. Happiness.

Then Yoongi opened his eyes, searching his way back to the real world - not because he wanted to go back to reality, but because he was pulled into it by the pain in his wrists. His body felt weak and tired. He wanted to lay down on the ground and remain there for hours.

But he couldn't. He was a prisoner to Yona's will.

He blinked a few times, yet his vision remained blurred. It took him a moment to notice that Yona was standing in front of him, smiling with self-satisfaction.

"Did you like that?" she said.

Yoongi could not locate his brain, yet alone speak.

She grabbed his face. "Answer, when I am asking."

"I liked that." he said, his voice so hoarse, it was unrecognisable.

"Good." She smirked."One should be appreciative of other's efforts. Are you appreciative of your mistresses?"

Yoongi stared at her face. She appeared so immeasurably beautiful. He could not focus on her questions, he only wanted to taste her lips.

She forced his chin up. "Answer me. Did you appreciate your mistresses' efforts to please you?"

His vision cleared, the meaning of her words finally making sense to him."Yes..."

"Did you tell them that?"

He swallowed, pushing down the taste of bitterness that rose in his throat.

"I make sure they are comfortable," he said.

Yona chuckled as if he was telling a silly joke. She removed the strings of hair glued to his face and leaned closer to him. "But did you tell them that you enjoyed their presence? Did you tell them what they really meant for you?"

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