13. The challenge (2)

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Light footsteps approach, slowly and quietly, as of a small cat sneaking into a house. Many wouldn't even hear them, many wouldn't notice the slight flow of air caused by the movement of an advancing stranger. But Jungkook can hear the faintest of noises and even while dozing off by the door, he senses that someone is coming closer, someone is sneaking in the corridor. The guard reacts immediately.

He jumps to his feet swiftly and grabs the intruder with a skilful move. Before the stranger can react, he pushes her backwards, pinning her to the wall with both hands, making it impossible for her to move. Only when the trespasser is completely immobilized in his grip, Jungkook takes a moment to look at her. Her features are beautiful but slightly foreign, her clothes different to those of local servant girls. She seems to be a stranger to this land.

"Why are you here? Are you the North Woods Witch?!" Jungkook asks sharply.

The unknown woman looks at him with eyes wide open, dazed by his sudden attack. Jungkook can feel her heart beating fast, as their bodies are pressed close together. Maybe a bit too close to be considered appropriate but it's late to change that now. She is an intruder, sneaking secretly into the Queen's chambers, the guard had to do what was necessary to disarm her.

"Answer me." Jungkook demands.

"I am no witch, boy! Let me go!" she responds in annoyance, her initial stupor washing away.

"Then who are you? Don't try to lie to me." Jungkook says, his gaze fixed on the woman, studying her expression carefully.

"The real question is who are you ..." she says, her eyes captured into his, her heartbeat quickening even more. Whoever this indecent and wild person is, he is alarmingly attractive.

"Jungkook!" Namjoon's voice calls for the guard, "Let her go! This is Mira, Seokjin's sister"

The young guard looks terrified, his eyes doubling their size in shock. He releases the woman from his grip, stepping away and bowing low.

"Lady Mira, please excuse him," Namjoon says, quickly approaching them "He doesn't know you, he is my sister's guard, just trying to protect her"

"Forgive me, my Lady." Jungkook says, bowing even lower.

"That's ok, I will forgive you this time" Mira answers, eyeing the young man up and down. Her frustration has long disappeared, overshadowed by increasing curiosity.

"Still, it is true that you did startled me a lot," she adds, "I think you owe me a favour"

She turns to Namjoon.

"Can you lend me this guard for an hour? I am bringing a lot of gifts for the Queen, he can help me get those transported to her chambers. He seems to have some energy to spare."

"Excuse me, my lady, but don't you have servants of your own?" Jungkook quietly protests. He is trying to sound polite but feels quite annoyed to be used as an errand boy.

"Of course he will help you out, my Lady," Namjoon says, ignoring the guard's complaints.

"Yes, of course" Jungkook confirms unwillingly. He looks at the pretty lady with suspicion. The guard doesn't like strangers, he feels uncomfortable around them.

"Is Nori awake?" Namjoon asks him.

"Yes, she woke up early."

"Great!" Mira exclaims, suddenly heading for the door "So we can visit her."

"My Lady, you can't enter unannounced!" Jungkook says, stepping in front of her, trying to prevent this strange woman from bothering Nori so early in the morning.

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