99.Paintings & Pirates (9)

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Yona can't sleep. Can't stand still. She gave up waiting for Yoongi awhile ago, yet she can't find peace of mind. The raven hasn't returned. She tried to summon it with a spell - still nothing.

Worst of all - she can't sense Yoongi's magic as strongly as before.

Something is wrong. The magic of the Temple is restless. Yona is restless. She pulls her notebooks full of ancient spells. She searches, and searches for her missing bird.

Until she finds it. Her eyes shoot open as she realises where the raven is - Princess Nori's room. Yona sank so deep into the magic, she managed to see through the raven's eyes. That drained her so much that now she struggles to breathe. But what bothers her is something else. It's the realisation that her raven is hers no longer. The magic that connects the bird to her is weak and wavering. Breaking apart.

Not only that raven is not hers anymore, it has formed a dependence on someone else, another person's magic is interfering with him, blocking Yona out. Fucking bird!

Yona opens a potion to drink, trying to regain her strength. Her hands are shaking. Her body is freezing cold. But her mind is too busy with dark thoughts to care about her physical discomfort.

That damn Princess! What did she do? How did she manage to keep the raven in her room? Did she feed it some magic food? Did she enchant with the help of a magic object? How could she do it? Why would she do it?

How dare she! How dare Nori steal Yona's bird; how dare she send her notes and keep the King away from her. How dare she mess up Yona's plans.

The witch has to be patient, but even her patience has its limits.

Maybe it's time Yona teaches the little Princess a lesson. 

Yoongi takes Nori through the garden, on some 'short cut' as he calls it

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Yoongi takes Nori through the garden, on some 'short cut' as he calls it. Fewer and fewer lights turn on around them, until they are barely any left at all. They cross another bridge and find themselves on a narrow path that curves between huge dark trees, whose silhouettes rise tall and proud, reaching up towards the sky. Very few stars could be seen in between their many whispering leaves. Everything around seems ancient, old and forgotten. The stones of the path are almost entirely covered with grass, the roots of the nearby trees bending and crushing them. Nori stumbles a few times in those roots, yet Yoongi never lets her fall.

The Princess could swear this is a dream she is having. No, not even a dream - in no form or shape her brain could have imagined that she would be thrilled to follow the King of Daegu, through a dark garden, in the small hours of the night, going who-knows-where. But it is not the King of Daegu whose hands she is holding, it's Min Yoongi's. Him she trusts not to bring her to danger, but to some new and exciting wonder.

The little stone path merges with another, much bigger and well-kept path and soon they leave the cover of the trees and find themselves on a large pathway. At the end of that pathway begins a grand staircase. Its steps are large and low, climbing up to a higher level of the Palace that remains hidden behind thick stone walls. Small lanterns are placed at the two opposite corners of each step, yet the higher level remains covered in complete darkness.

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