146. Kingdom (2)

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a/n: Hello, everyone! 

I managed to finish this part sooner than I thought, so I am posting it for you ^^

I made two maps to help you understand what is Yoongi referring to in this chapter. 

1. This map is how Daegu looked like during the rule of Yoongi's grandfather, King August. 


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2. The map below is how Daegu looks like now. The Provinces painted in grey were the areas that Yoongi fought to take back. 

The green area at the top is the area he agreed to leave to Ilsan

The H-area is Hwandge province

The blue area at the bottom is Gochang province

The yellow dot is the city of Sajeri

The red-dot area is Bukgu (used to belong to Busan) 

The red-dot area is Bukgu (used to belong to Busan) 

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I hope you will enjoy reading ^^

I hope you will enjoy reading ^^

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Nori holds Yoongi's hand tight, telling him more stories about the village and the people she met there. She jokes about them making Jinho an official spy, and about Sora becoming a scholar one day. He listens to her, rarely saying anything, yet his magic is warm and welcoming, making Nori believe he is no longer upset.

KingdomМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя