57. Truce (15)

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Jungkook is gone. Yet none of them moves.

"You have a problem with my all-or-nothing rule?" Yoongi leans closer."You want to take more of me without giving in return?"

"I want nothing from you." the Princess says coldly. "It's apparent we cannot keep our truce. You can go. Run to your room. I don't want to keep you here against your will."

The same monster from before rises in Yoongi's heart. He doesn't want to lose, not when he is so close. He has to seal this marriage even if it is the last thing he does.

"What if I want to stay?" he says, his eyes burning. "What if I allow you to touch me again. Would you care to finish what you've started?"

She smiles in a mocking way."That ship has sailed already. You were too late to catch it." She points at the door."There is nothing stopping you to leave as you wanted. The path is clear. So please, be on your way."

"I won't leave."

Nori steps back. "Then stand in the middle of the room. I care not."

She is slipping away. And there is nothing Yoongi can do. He knows not what to say to change her mind. But he cannot lose; he must convince her he is right and she is wrong. He must make her see that it's unnecessary to complicate things. Everything is easy, it should be easy.

The Princess takes another step backwards. The farther she goes, the closer he wants to be to her. She must not slip away.

Yoongi launches forward in an attempt to kiss her. She pulls back.

"What the hell are you doing!" she exclaims.

He grabs her shoulders. "I need to be with you tonight, don't you understand?"

"I don't give a fuck what you need!" She tries to shake him off, but his grip only tightens.

He pulls her closer, leaning to speak into her lips."Yet, I am sure you are wet for me even now."

"You are wrong." she snarls. "My desire for you vanishes the moment you become demanding, controlling and fucking terrified of any emotional intimacy."

"I am not the one who fears intimacy!" Yoongi shouts out.

The Princess digs her fingers into his hands and pulls them off her body. "We are done for tonight." She steps backwards, her eyes cold and fierce, shining with fire that freezes those who look upon them."Coward..."

She swirls on her heels and attempts to walk away but he grabs her arm and turns her back around.

"How did you call me?!" He growls.

She steps towards him. "I called you a fucking coward."

Yoongi's ears ring loudly and his vision turns red with fury. He is not sure if his body is shaking or if the ground below his feet has turned unstable. He only knows that if he moves, he will explode.

"Have you ever kissed a woman you haven't slept with?" she asks. "Have you!"

He presses his jaw closed, his teeth hurting from the pressure.

"I knew it." She laughs, a joyless chuckle full of mockery and disgust."It's not that you are unwilling of forming a close relationship with a woman, you are not capable of doing it. You only know how to come and conquer. As a true King."

"We are not supposed to form a close relationship!" Yoongi speaks through his teeth. "We are only supposed to fuck and have an heir. That's all this marriage is about! I don't know what else you expect!"

Her lips tremble."I expect nothing from you."

The cold look in her eyes stings Yoongi right in the heart, freezing him in place.

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