127. Nightfall (13)

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Nori drops to her knees. The cold water splashes around her and turns completely still. The lake shines brighter than before, yet she can no longer see her reflection. She feels drained, powerless, exhausted.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi wraps her into his embrace, pulling her backwards towards his body. "Can you hear me?" His voice is raspy as if he has been shouting. He speaks fast, in a frenzy, not pausing to catch his breath."I could hear you speak but you were paying me no attention. The wizard pushed me away with his damn magic. I couldn't reach you as if there was an invisible wall around you. I tried to—"

"It's okay. The wizard is gone." Nori frees herself from his arms and turns to face him. He is pale, wet and messed up, strands of his hair sticking out of his bun or falling down his face. The glow of the water underneath him makes his clothes shine. His pose reminds her of the illustrations of mermaids, sitting on rocks in the sea. Nori smiles to herself, imagining Yoongi as a shining merman coming to her aid.

Yet, his expression is far from amused. His forehead is furrowed with worry, his eyes darting up and down her body, checking if she is okay.

"You are shaking," he says."Are you cold? Are you in pain?"

"No, I am just ... overwhelmed." Nori looks down at the shallow water spreading around them, her mind getting fuzzy. A thick fog is consuming her thoughts and she keeps pausing to find the proper words. "Using magic is ... tiring. And the tiger,... he is too strong an opponent. He and Yona, they are both so powerful...."

Yoongi caresses her face. "Then why do you fight them, dummy. Why?"

"Because they attacked me." She jerks her head up, the fog in her mind lifting. "The wizard tortured me. He wanted to force me to promise to be cold and indifferent to you. But fuck him, I will do what I want..."

She takes his face in her hands, her emotions taking control over her words. She speaks with urgency and zest. "I will not let him take you. Not now, not in 16 years, not ever. There are many thick books and wise men in this world; many wizards and witches. I will meet them all and find a way to get rid of that tiger. Call me selfish, call me stupid. But I will not let him have you."

Yoongi's expression changes, his eyes still worried, yet he looks flustered somehow. His lips part but no words come out. He takes her hands away from his cheeks and holds them tight over his lap.

"The wizard must have a weakness," Nori adds,"And we will find it."

Yoongi clears his throat and puts on his usual unreadable facade. "Those who want to hunt tigers must be ready to be bitten. Are you ready to get bitten?"

"I am not afraid of pain; I am afraid of losing you. You are my important political partner. I am not giving you up. If you don't want to make me your Queen, send me to hunt the demons who hide in your lands. I will do my best to catch them all. Hunting shady creatures might be fun activity for a failed Princess."

He chuckles. "I can't let you room this Kingdom unchecked, it's dangerous for us all. I should keep you in the Palace, making sure you don't trigger random spells."

She gives him a provocative smile."Will you lock me up?"

"Of course not," Yoongi moves closer, leaning his forehead on hers. "But I will keep an eye on you at all times."

"You don't have to be so overprotective."

He pulls back, his expression turning serious. "I want to keep you safe, so you don't have to face any more demons because of me."

"You can't protect me from all the shadows of this world," She smiles softly. "But I feel better knowing we can fight them together."

He releases her hands and looks sideways, tracing his tongue over the edge of his lips. His expression tenses."I do not wish to involve you in any of this. It's my burden to carry."

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