32. Hiding Place (10)

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a/n: next two part are a bit "emotional" . If you are not in a good mental state, read them with caution.


They walk through the garden for a few minutes and not for a moment does the King let go of Nori's hand. She almost runs in order to keep up with his fast steps, occasional raindrops falling on her clothes and face. Cold wind twists the branches of the trees around and distant thunders shake the sky. No one else can be seen around, the Palace seems deserted.

He leads her through a door into a small hidden garden. In the middle of the enclosed space, in between small scattered flowers, two enormous trees rise high towards the sky, so close to one another that it looks as if they are one and the same. Their roots and branches are all twisted together, frozen in an eternal embrace. Between the ancient trunks of those trees is located a very small pavilion, elevated a dozen steps from the ground. Two of its sides are open and two are closed by wooden planks. Multiple branches are wrapped around the structure, piercing its roof and walls.

The King leads Nori that way, but she flinches and pulls her hand out of his.

"You want me to go into that tree room with you?" she asks with concern.

"It is a hiding place." Yoongi says, turning around to look at the Princess."It is made for children but we can fit. You are not afraid to be in a small space with me, are you?"

"I am not afraid."

The King enters the pavilion and extends a hand to Nori. She hesitates but takes it, allowing him to guide her inside. Branches and leaves engulf the whole space and Nori feels she is entering the house of a wood elf.

"This place is so unique and beautiful," she says, looking around in amazement.

"Yes, there are many beautiful places in this world." the King says, removing his robe to protect it from being caught by some branch and torn apart. He attaches it on the wall, close to a small lantern hidden in the leaves. The rain outside is getting stronger, loud raindrops hitting the rooftop more and more frequently. Few drops of rain leak from the ceiling, streaming down the surface of an enormous branch. Half-lit and mysterious, the pavilion's interior looks weirdly cosy. But the space is small, rendered even smaller by the invasive trees. The King cleans some leaves from the floor and sits by the wall. Nori, however, is fidgeting, unable to find a place to sit that is not too close to the King.

"Will you stop moving around and sit down?" Yoongi demands, slightly annoyed.

"There isn't enough space, it is quite narrow." Nori says, taking steps in different directions only to change her mind and return to where she is standing at the entrance.

The King waits for a few moments until his patience is spent. He stands up abruptly, his head almost hitting a big branch curving from the ceiling, and grabs the Princess, forcing her to sit down on her knees. He positions in the middle of the space and settles himself in front of her, stretching one leg by her side and bending the other. He lets his arm rest on his upright knee and leans backwards on the wall, watching Nori carefully.

"Speak now," he says.

Nori swallows slowly, avoiding the King's eyes.

"You could have chosen a more spacious place!" she complains, fidgeting in different directions, trying to find another place to sit. But the tree branches sticking from everywhere are making her task quite difficult. "There is a whole Palace and so many rooms."

"And so many eyes and ears. Here it is safe." Yoongi says, unbothered.

"I can't talk in this awkward position, with all those trees sticking around."

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