115. Nightfall (1)

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Warning: "Nightfall" ( and especially this first part) is a little dark (and maybe a little scary); But as you know this story has ups and downs. It won't stay dark and gloomy for long. We just have to go through this :)

"Min Yoongi! Come back, you fool!"

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"Min Yoongi! Come back, you fool!"

The boy turns around, startled by the distant voice. His eyes search the twilight but he can't see anything rather than silhouettes of thick bushes and tall trees, and the outline of the old, grass-eaten path he has been following.

He stares down at the sword in his hand. His fingers are trembling, holding on to the hilt with excessive strength. Something heavy is hanging on his back - is it a bag? Or another sword?

Nori can't tell. She can't hear his thoughts, but she senses his feelings. She is trapped in the vision, losing sense of herself. She sees with his eyes and feels with his body - the cold air biting his cheeks, the fear gnawing on his heart, the tiredness in his limbs.

It's like she is wearing a mask that consumes her identity. She tries to escape. But it's futile. The magic holds her in place. So she surrenders, remaining a silent observer.

The sound of rustling leaves urges Yoongi to look up.

The old wizard is coming, rushing through the forest like a raging storm. He resembles more a ghost than a man, wearing a white nightgown, his long gray hair set loose. Neither the thorns nor the dirt has managed to stain or ruin his clothes. Yet, his soft slippers have turned muddy, torn in places.

"Are you out of your mind?" the wizard says, stopping in front of the boy. His voice echoes like thunder in the quiet forest. "I didn't tell you that legend so you can run in here first thing in the morning. You are too young and inexperienced to face that dangerous creature alone."

"I have experienced enough, '' Yoongi says firmly. "I have lived in this nightmare for way too long. It's time I do something to change things. The White Tiger is the only one who can help me. I have to meet him."

"Even if he gives you what you want, do you think that will change anything?" The wizard leans over him, his voice turning a little softer."You're only 13. People won't take you seriously or follow after you. No one would support your claim to the throne."

"I will be 14 in a few days."

"You are still a kid, Yoongles." A glimpse of fondness shines in the wizard's eyes. He places his hand on Yoongi's shoulder. "You have much to learn about life, about magic and about yourself. Don't be impatient. Min Joon-ho is a cunning creature. Do not meet with him just yet. Let's go back to the village."

Yoongi presses his lips together. Two kinds of dark emotions fight in his heart. He is terrified of the tiger, yet he is even more disgusted by the life he is living. One dark abyss spreads ahead of him, another behind him. There is a safe path, and no escape.

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