98.Paintings & Pirates (8)

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a/n: I managed to finish this part earlier ( even if there might be a lot to typos, sorry). It's long again but I hope you like it.

Yoongi woke up after what seemed like eternity, but must have not been more than an hour

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Yoongi woke up after what seemed like eternity, but must have not been more than an hour. He was dazed, with a bitter taste in his mouth, numb to everything. What a perfect state of nothingness. Yona was seated in the corner, wrapped in her rope and finishing a bottle of wine by herself. She offered him some but he refused. He felt too nauseous to drink. He wanted to go home; he wanted to sink into the pool for a bit and then crash on his bed.

He cleaned himself and got dressed in a hurry. He really wanted to go home. Now that all the euphoria and pleasure had subsided, he felt very awkward in Yona's presence.

"Did you enjoy tonight, dear?" she asked, coming closer to help him tie the belt of his robe.

"It was memorable." he mumbled, avoiding her eyes. He felt small in her presence and even after putting all his Royal clothes back on, that feeling didn't pass.

"Come here." She took his hand and led him to the small table in the corner. She invited him to sit by her side and offered him a strange dark-colored juice. "Have a few sips of that and you would feel better."

He followed her orders without complaint. Once he finished the drink, she closed her arms around him and whispered soft words to his ear.

"All will be good, Yoongi. I will help you." he said. "Tomorrow night I will tell you about the spell I found. It will change things." She smiled and kissed him gently. He wished she would kiss him that gently more often but doubted she would.

"You are an amazing lover." she said. "A great one."

"I know." Yoongi shrugged, giving her a cheeky smile.

"Am I not a good lover, too? Maybe even better than you. You are a lucky man." She wrapped her hand around his neck and pulled him nearer, until their faces were almost touching. "I will be the only woman you would ever want."

"Aren't you a bit too sure about that?"

She chuckled. "Come on, who else could understand you better than me? Who can make you feel so good? None of the silly Ladies you frequent for sure. Only me..." She kissed him - deeply and intensely, dazzling his thoughts. At this moment Yoongi believed she would be the only woman he would ever want. Because no kiss could be so wild and electrifying. No woman could feel so good in his arms. Yona knew him so well. And she kissed him so amazingly. He wanted nothing else but this. He wanted to kiss her all night. Yet, she was not going to allow it.

Yona pulled away from his lips. "Come back tomorrow." she said. "We will discuss the spell, and afterwards I will reward you with more enjoyable treats."

Yoongi pouted. "Tomorrow is too far into the future. Kiss me again or I won't leave."

She smiled dismissively, as if mocking his request. "No more for tonight, come back tomorrow."

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