44.Truce (1)

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"You are a cold and heartless man, Your Highness." Lady So's voice trembles with anger. She takes a step forward but the guard pulls her back in place.

Yoongi doesn't flinch; he sits on his throne and listens to the Lady's tirade in silence. It's not the first time he witnesses such a scene. Similar to Lady So, most of his escorts cry, beg or curse him before leaving the Palace. Only a few women parted with Yoongi in a civilised and friendly way.

"Last night you told me I am beautiful and special." the Lady continues, her eyes filling with tears. "You made me believe I meant something for you. But now you are sending me away! Why?"

Yoongi crosses his arms and leans backwards.

"I told you what you wanted to hear," he says. "I did everything you asked. I rewarded you for your services to me. That's all. I am not sure what more you expected to happen. We set the rules clearly at the start."

"Rules?" Lady So voice cracks. "You think you can control everything and everyone with your 'rules'? Keep living like that and you will end up lonely and miserable."

Cold smirk spreads over Yoongi's face. "I will be fine. Don't worry."

The tears in her eyes dry; the Lady stares at the King with disdain.

"You think you are immune to the emotions other people feel? You think you are better than the rest of us? But you are not! Look at your scar - you bleed as everyone else. You are no better."

Yoongi tilts his head to the side, his jaw tensing.

"Take her away." He gestures to the guard.

Lady So slips from the hands that try to drag her away and steps towards the King.

"I hope one day you feel as desperate for someone's touch as you make others desperate for yours." she says. "I hope someone serves you the same poison you make us all drink - empty promises and fake love. I hope you desire someone you can't have; and that desire burns you on the inside so badly that your heart turns to ash."

"Thank you for the warm wishes, have a good life." Yoongi answers coldly.

"Sadly, that can never happen." the Lady continues as if talking to herself. A bitter smile spreads over her face. Her eyes stare ahead unseeingly."You are a man incapable of loving other people.You take everything you need without asking for permission. And then you want more, and more. I was a fool to think you will ever be satisfied with me." Her gaze shifts, fixating the King."Have it your way. Stay alone on your throne and rule over the world. I hope that pathetic existence makes you happy."

"Happiness is not my priority."

"What other priority could you have?" the Lady throws her hands in the air. " Why do you fight all those battles and collect all that wealth? What is more important than to be happy, to be loved and to be cherished? Tell me! What is your priority?"

"My Kingdom."


Yoongi presses his eyelids over his eyes for a moment and curses in his mind. The unwanted memories continue to flood his mind as a river of bitterness that drowns his mind.

The Princess holds his hand and walks towards the garden. She, who caused all of this. She, who keeps digging into the dark well of his mind, bringing all his regrets to the surface. She, who looks like a scared bunny but who bites his heart as a snake and enchants his mind as a witch. The woman who has been driving him crazy for the past few days. The woman who brings chaos as a sea storm that crashes over the land.

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