101.Raven's claws (2)

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"Are you okay?" Jin asks, sitting next to his friend. "You look paler than usual."

"I am fine." Yoongi leans forward to massage his legs."I am just tired, that's all."

"Tired, yes ...our dear Yoongi is tired...." Jin nudges him, smiling mischievously. "Nori told me you spent the evening painting together and taking walks around the garden."

"When did you find time to learn all this?"

"I was curious to know how you found Jungkook." Jin winks at him. "You know I am multifunctional - I can find medicine for dark magic and gather much needed information all at once."

Yoongi leans his head back on the wall."You must be very pleased that I stayed with the Princess, instead of going to Yona."

"I am delighted, and so is Jungkook."

"Jungkook couldn't care less."

"He might have frozen to death if you didn't find him; so I am sure he is more than happy that you decided to walk the Princess to her room."

Yoongi shakes his head. "You are hopeless. I wonder what you will do after we seal the marriage; what other hobby you will find rather than gather gossip about me."

Jin stares at Yoongi with a deeply offended expression. "Excuse me, I have many other things to do rather than babysit you."

Yoongi chuckles."Yes, like begging the river dragons to let you catch a fish for a change."

"Don't be mean!" Jin raises his voice. "I caught a very big fish last time, but you were not there to see it. This big. "He lifts his hands in the air to demonstrate the enormous size of his catch, grinning happily. "And it was quite delicious as well."

Yoongi sighs. "Jungkook almost froze but you are still in a good mood. I wish I had your ability to not take things too seriously."

"I take things very seriously, Yoongi." Jin's smile disappears. "This is why I don't think it was a good idea to invite foreign wizards into the Palace. In fact, I think it was a terrible idea. I would have advised you not to act so hastily or trust Jimin so easily."

"Who is this person?" A soft voice asks, making both Jin and Yoongi jerk their heads towards the entrance. Nori steps into the room, followed by the slender figure of Park Jimin.

"Seokjin is the Royal advisor." the Princess says.

Jimin tilts his head, squinting his eyes at Jin. "He seems to be new to the job, his advice is not very good."

"Excuse me?" Jin attempts to stand up but Yoongi grabs his hand to stop him.

Jimin's eyes fall on Jungkook. "This boy has an appetite. He ate too many apples, it seems."

The wizard walks towards the guard, his blue robe rustling around his elegant figure, his gait light and effortless. He wears his hair into a bun, with lots of loose hairs falling over his face and neck. Its color has changed from light blond to silver gray, making him look even more unworldly.

Yoongi wishes to be less impressed by that man's beauty and grace, but the King only remembers to close his mouth and blink when Jimin sits in front of him. Yoongi shifts his legs to the side, allowing the wizard to have more space to examine the guard's condition.

Jimin places his hand over Kook's forehead and closes his eyes, remaining motionless for a moment. Yoongi and Jin exchange worried glances. Jin points at another potion, hidden in his pocket. The advisor came prepared. It's some relief at least, to know that Seokjin has smoke magic to blind the wizard if he tries anything funny.

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