116. Nightfall (2)

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'Why are you leaving at the most fun part?' The deep voice calls in her mind.

She ignores it and keeps running. The roots of the trees trip her and she falls. She sinks into the deep water and ends up in another memory.

She is in a room. The throne room of the Palace. It's late at night, yet only a few lanterns are lit inside. It's cold. It must be winter. She is standing in front of the empty King's throne, her scar hurting as if her skin is in flames.

She is older now. Taller. He is taller. And he is angry and annoyed.

"You've asked for me." Wizard Park says from behind him.

Yoongi turns around to face him. "Why does it hurt again, old man?" He points at his face."It was supposed to heal. It has been a few years since I became King. Why is this weakness still present?"

"You said you barely feel it these days." The wizard narrows his eyes, as if trying to see the scar better. "It looks like it's going away."

"Yes, but today it's itchy and hurting again. It's so annoying." Yoongi's voice sounds almost whiny, like a spoiled kid who is complaining about his food.

The Wizard's forehead furrows. The lines crossing his face have become deeper. His hair is neatly tied up, yet now completely white.

"It hurts because you've not overcome the fear that feeds that wound," he says."You feel weak on the inside, don't you? You know it's wrong to start those war campaigns. You are afraid you will fail. And rightfully so. It is hard enough to stabilize Daegu as it is. It's madness to try to reclaim the lost lands. Not at this point anyway."

Yoongi's irritations doubles. He steps closer to the wizard and stares daringly into his eyes. "It is you who always makes me feel weak. It is you who always question me. You make my scar hurt with your constant nagging." He scoffs. "But I don't care what you think. Not anymore."

Yoongi walks backwards, not losing sight of the wizard. "I will win this battle alone, and the next, and the one after." His leg hits the low stair that leads to the throne. He stops. His head hurts more and more, the pain fueling his frustration.

The wizard looks at him with a cold face, not showing any sign of emotion. Yoongi hates him right now, he hates how calm that man is, while the King is torn apart by pain and doubt.

"I am strong enough." Yoongi says. "I won't wait to turn old and stupid before I take action. You keep warning me about the dangers and the casualties of war. You keep treating me as if I were a kid. I know war is not a game. Wars have casualties. Yet, if we don't act now, our people will be the casualties of the aggression of foreign Kings. They are already conspiring against me. I can't give them the time to prepare. I should attack first. It is decided. I will call on a meeting tomorrow and announce it to the Generals."

"This needs to be discussed with the council first, the magistrates won't —"

"It is decided." Yoongi raises his voice. "I don't have time to discuss it with those fools, or with you. You keep slowing me down. I have to act. I will do all in my power to make Daegu as strong as it once was."

"Arrogant fool." The wizard spits the words, his eyes filling with disdain. "You have lost your purpose. Instead of trying to preserve the fragile peace we achieved, you choose to start another war. You've turned greedy and paranoid. No King will attack you if you don't attack them first."

"Sejong is building a wall on our borders. The rest of our dear neighbors are busy killing and chasing our people out of their homes. They empty the land they stole from us to give it to their peasants. They send troops of freshly trained soldiers on our borders. They attack me every day with the way they act."

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