10.The Forbidden Pool (6)

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Yoongi senses a strange wave of emotions passing through him as the Princess pleads for his help. He feels he could fight a dragon by himself in this moment, only so he can see a lively sparkle return to Nori's eyes.

"Stay still" he says, his lips moving to kiss her cheek, her neck, the tip of her frozen fingers.

Nori's her whole world is crumbling. No matter who he is or how she feels about him, she can't help but allow him to take her closer in his arms. Each time his lips touch her skin, a warm sensation is spreading through her body. Her heart fills with strange emotions that she can't properly name or identify. His presence is still scary and alarming but in a new, strange and different way.

She lets his hands embrace her, she lets him kiss her bare skin again and again as he is trying to warm her freezing body. Only now Nori realises that the King must have jumped into the water after her, saving her from drowning. His whole body is drenched, so are the tips of his long hair, but the water she feels on him is warm and healing. Each of his touches is soft and gentle but with each kiss his lips linger longer, causing butterflies to rise in the lower part of her stomach.

Yoongi doesn't realise his affections are growing more intense, he just likes the idea of helping her, of finding a solution. He is no longer feeling chased away and rejected, he feels wanted, needed. The King is getting bolder in his advances. He is kissing down her neck, licking the small drops of water spread all over her skin. Fuck, she tastes like paradise.

"I can feel your skin is getting warmer, are you feeling it, too?" he says, looking relieved, hopeful, excited.

"Yes, I feel it, too." she hesitates, but continues. " Only my legs are still quite cold,"

Encouraged by his success, Yoongi bends to kiss her ankle. Strong warm shivers pass through Nori's whole body. His lips move up her leg slowly; his hands slide up the wet fabric of her dress, revealing her bare skin.

"I think that is enough," she says, trying to get away from him, the heat she feels getting too strong.

Yoongi places a final kiss on the palm of her hand, almost unwilling to let go of her. He looks up at the Princess' face. Her cheeks are flushed, she looks alive, healthy, beautiful. He notices her breathing has become quicker, her chest rising higher. The clothes are so tightly glued to her figure that he can clearly read the shape of her every curve. He is suddenly unable to unsee what he tried so hard to ignore before - the Princess looks like an epitome of temptation.

"You feel better?" he asks, trying to distract himself.

"Yes, much better. Thank you."

"See? It was easy. We went through so much drama but it was really that simple."

"Yes" she says, trying to smile but failing.

The Princess avoids his eyes. She seems still troubled even if they managed to break the influence of the magic.

"Hey, are you ok?" he says tilting his head to the side in order to meet her fleeting eyes.

As his gaze catches hers, Yoongi notices how her eyes fall on his lips for a second, almost in secret. She blushes and looks away, biting her lower lip. Only then he realises the full effect his affections had on the Princess. He can't control what he does next.

Yoongi moves to kiss her, his lips crashing into hers, no longer gentle and restrained but hungry, like a man meeting his lover after a long time apart. The Princess seems not to know how to respond, she tries to flinch away, but then her own mind goes blank, blinded by something unknown. She cannot hold it back anymore, whatever she is feeling is stronger than reason. Her lips welcome him, her hands close around him, grabbing the wet fabric of his robe. Yoongi knows she has no experience, she goes by mere instinct. He loves that, he loves the wild sensations her lips are feeding him, he devours her untamed passion eagerly.

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