109. Daydream(3)

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Yoongi drank two cups of strong tea in the morning, but he feels sleepy nonetheless. If Hoseok was not already at the summer house, waiting for them, no living soul could have convinced the King to get out of bed.

But Yoongi knows his cousin would be extremely disappointed if his friends don't show up to his badly timed event. The King might be a terrible person, but not that terrible. He can't stand it when Hobi is sad.

It's all Seokjin's fault. He must have been the one insisting for Hobi to leave first so Yoongi cannot refuse to go. Or maybe those two idiots invented that cunning plan together. Definitely. They looked suspicious during dinner. Bastards. Why is Yoongi even friends with them? He will send them in exile next time they conspire to wake him up so early.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon asks, looking at the King with concern. "It seems like you might pass out at any moment."

The Prince of Ilsan doesn't look very fresh himself, probably due to drinking too much last night - his face is puffy and his hanbok a bit messy, as if put on in a hurry. He is sitting in front of Yoongi, with his tall hat almost reaching the ceiling. Joon appears even bigger inside the palanquin, as an adult who is hiding in the kids room.

"I am fine." Yoongi says, rubbing his forehead. "I just had a long night. How about you? Did you send the note to Kook's mother?"

Joon rubs his forehead."I think so... my memory is a bit fuzzy but I think I did."

Yoongi narrows his eyes at him. "I hope you sent it. Because I need an answer soon. Especially after last night."

Namjoon tilts his head, his expression tensing. "Why? Did something happen?"

"Yona came to meet Nori."

"WHAT?" Namjoon jerks his whole body forward, making the palanquin shake.

Yoongi raises his palm in the air, as if trying to pacify a wild beast."Relax, please. This thing is heavy, let's not break my men's shoulders."

Joon leans back, not losing sight of the King's face. His voice comes out sharp and a bit menacing. "Tell me what happened."

Yoongi closes his eyes and inhales slowly. Damn, he needs to sleep. Why was he so dumb to mention Yona? Talking about her will be a difficult conversation he is not willing to have right now. But it's too late to back out. He opens his eyes and looks at Namjoon with a blank expression.

"Before I say anything, let's agree to remain calm and approach this rationally, okay?" Yoongi says.

Joon nods, but his eyes remain tense.

"Your sister sent Yona a note. Not sure what she wrote but it triggered the witch. That's why Yona came to the Palace. It was an unpleasant episode.They are not getting along..."

"Is that surprising you?" Joon keeps his piercing dragon eyes fixed on Yoongi's face, making him feel rather uncomfortable.

"No, I am not surprised at all." Yoongi says, hiding his distress behind a facade of cold indifference. "They have many reasons to be hostile and competitive. Unfortunately, they've been placed in a situation that makes them see the other woman as an enemy."

"And who put them in that situation?"

Yoongi looks down, feeling tiny and exposed, like a kid who is scolded by his educator for doing something stupid. He finds it hard to keep on his mask of "i-don't-give-a-fuck". He is too tired to play the confident King part.

"I did not ask for this, Namjoon." he says quietly. "I was perfectly content to live on my own. I married your sister because I had to. And I am with Yona because ..." His voice drops lower, almost to a whisper. "Because I have to..."

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