112. Daydream (6)

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"We've arrived." The deep timbre of Yoongi's voice wakes her up. The weird dream she was having blurs and disappears from her mind. Nori opens her eyes with difficulty, her mind completely disorientated. For a split second she wonders where she is and what day it is. The short nap made her feel more dazed, rather than rested.

The palanquin's door opens and the handsome, smiley face of Jung Hoseok appears at the entrance. Nori blinks against the light.

"You look cute together." Hobi giggles. "Shall I let you cuddle inside for a little longer?"

Yoongi flinches away from her and pokes Nori with two fingers to urge her to leave the vehicle.

She steps outside, her body heavy and clumsy. Hobi offers her his hand and she takes it. He keeps smiling, in that warm way he always smiles. His eyes shine with genuine excitement. This person is a ray of sunshine. He oozes charm and charisma. His magic is welcoming, open and caring. Nori smiles back at him.

"I am so glad you came," Hobi says with a soft voice and bows to her.

It has started to drizzle, tiny raindrops falling over the colorful umbrella he is carrying. He offers it to her but Yoongi grabs it instead. He keeps it over Nori's head, standing close to her.

"You didn't pick a good day for a picnic." the King says with a mixture of teasing and annoyance.

Hoseok grins. "It's a perfect day for a picnic, my friend. Follow me."

He leads them towards the residence. Mira and Namjoon are close behind, talking vividly about books. Nori walks slowly next to the King, under the umbrella they are sharing. Her mind is still dazzled, and it seems she is walking in a dream.

The air has turned colder but the wind has come down. The smell of flowers and trees spreads around. Being in this place is refreshing. Nori's mind clears a bit, yet the sensation of being in a dream remains.

They enter Hobi's residence through a large wooden door which is the only entrance in the long wall surrounding the place. Once inside, they climb a dozen of large stairs carved in the mountain slope, walking in between small trees and large bushes, until they find themselves in a large courtyard.

Colorful flags hang between the branches of the tall trees that are growing in each corner of the large open space. Vases full of flowers are placed all around.

A couple of stone paths cut through the green grass, leading towards freshly painted one-store buildings. Behind the houses, a large rock formation rises high towards the sky. Over the moss covered rocks dances a sparkling waterfall.

The streams of water spread in many directions to then gather in a large pond, located in between the two of the largest buildings. A beautiful curved bridge crosses the pond, connecting the two houses.

The place is as vibrant and colorful as its owner. Everything is well kept and clean, in sharp contrast to the wild forest beyond the walls. But not many guards and servants can be seen around. It's quiet. Isolated. A place for reflection and relaxation.

Nori loves it. Her heart fills with calmness and happiness. This is a place where she would like to spend weeks, even months. Walking around the gardens, watering the plants, reading under the shade of the trees, painting by the waterfall and even venturing outside for long strolls in the forest.

Hobi gestures left and right, introducing to the Princess all the facilities around. He is wearing a large hat that protects him from the rain, yet his clothes are getting a little damp. He seems not to care, talking vigorously and laughing often.

"The residential complex is composed of five bedroom buildings." Hobi says. "We repainted them a month ago. The colors are pretty, right?" He chuckles. "I chose them myself. There is also a kitchen, service area, and a dining room. I can show you if you —"

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