107. Daydream(1)

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Jungkook opens his eyes slowly, his head hurting as if being squashed in between heavy rocks. He stares up at the blurry nothingness above him, his brain slowly realising that he is in a room, laying on a soft surface, probably a bed. His body feels weak and tired, drained of its energy and strength.

"Finally you decided to return to the world of the living." A familiar voice says, the sound of it ringing loud and unpleasant in Jungkook's ears. "I was beginning to worry you will be sleeping all day."

Jungkook shifts his head towards the voice, but it takes him a long moment to be able to focus his eyes on the blurry figure sitting by his bed. Once his gaze clears up, he distinguishes Seokjin's features - yet the advisor's face doesn't wear his usual unbothered cheerfulness but it appears rather stern and serious. Memories from last night flood Kook's mind and his blood turns cold.

"Quick or slow" Jin asks looking down at his hands busy peeling a green apple with a small knife.

"What?" Jungkook raises up on his elbows. His head spins as he moves, but his body is slowly regaining its strength and firmness. "What do you mean?"

Jin scrunches his nose for a quick second, eyes fixed on the fruit in his hands. "Quick or slow death? What do you prefer?"

Jungkook tilts his head, getting more and more confused. Then he sees it - the little note laying on the floor next to where Seokjin is sitting. That's the letter Kook wrote for Nori last night, after waking up in his room and feeling sick to the bone. The letter explains how Jungkook fell for Mira, crossed the boundaries with her, and he should leave because what he did was wrong. It's a letter no one but the Princess should ever read. But it must have fallen out of Kook's pocket. And Seokjin must have read it... Shit. Kook is as good as dead.

"I can explain." he says, sitting up in the bed, his head spinning some more as he moves.

"It is all explained in the letter." Jin points at the paper with the knife. "Very touching."

"Seokjin, I am sorry, I didn't intend to—"

"You didn't intend to sleep with my sister last night?" The advisor digs the knife into the apple as if stabbing it to death. "It simply happened? By accident?"

"I love her." The words fly out of Kook's mouth, the emotions in his heart impossible to conceal. He bites his lips to make himself shut up but it is too late.

Jin looks up at him. "Love? When did that happen?"

Jungkook inhales slowly, his expression becoming decisive. If he is going to be executed for this, at least he will be honest. At least he will use this chance to let the whole world know how he feels.

"I've loved her for a long time," Kook says."Ever since she visited you in Seoul. Yet, I didn't remember it for a while because of a spell. But now I do. Now I love her with all my heart."

Jin bites off a piece of apple and chews on it aggressively. "So if you love Mira so much why did you decide to leave her and write a goodbye letter to your Princess?"

Jungkook swallows, cold sweat breaking on his forehead. He has never seen Seokjin quite so serious before - the advisor's eyes are stern and murderous, while his hand holds the knife so tightly that his knuckles have turned white.

"I was feeling very sick last night. I was confused." Jungkook says."I didn't have a clear idea what I was doing. I thought I should get out of this Palace before I cause more troubles. In my delirious mind, leaving sounded like the best idea. I..." He pauses, his voice turning small and weak. "I didn't want to create trouble."

"It's too late for that." Jin points the knife at him. "You've already created trouble by making her fall for you."

"You think Mira really likes me, too? She says she does but it's hard to believe. Even now. Because she is so amazing and I am just .. me. Yet, she likes me... she wants me. Isn't that so strange and yet wonderful." Jungkook's heart flutters as he says the words, forgetting to be worried about his life. He must still be enchanted or something. His whole body feels weird and he is saying all those sappy things in front of Seokjin. Yes, he must be under some spell still.

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