50. Truce (9)

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a/n: reminder - this is an 18+ story. 


Nori takes a book from inside the trunk and stares at its cover as if examining it. In reality she can't concentrate on reading at all. Her mind is elsewhere, focused on the King who is leaning on the desk by her side.

Earlier she got startled by the wave of magic that washed over her as they kissed. Now that magic is completely gone. She can't sense it at all. As if the King has closed himself completely.

Since he kissed her on their wedding night, Nori has been able to feel his magic almost constantly - even if very vaguely at times. To suddenly lose sense of it all together makes her feel uneasy.

Maybe the weird effect of the pool spell has been lifted. Maybe all is good. Maybe not.

Something is different, something has shifted.

The way he looked at Nori when proposing to read to her was strange. He sounded caring and tender, but his eyes were cold and distant.

"Princess...." He steps towards her. "Can you use magic? Are you perhaps... a witch?"

Nori's heart jumps. Does he know she can sense magic? Did he somehow realize it during the kiss?

"What makes you think that?" Nori turns to look at him expecting to see his gaze questioning everything about her. But his eyes are dark and full of need. Nori shivers as those eyes focus on her.

He doesn't know. Whatever he is trying to do is not aimed at revealing her secrets.

The King's lips curve in a little half-smile. He stares at her with strange intensity as if nothing else exists but her. Nori can't look away. The whole world around her shrinks and disappears. If someone is capable of bewitching others - that must be him, the King.

"How else did you manage to enchant me," His voice sounds unrecognisably soft and affectionate. "How did you make me stay here with you?"

At that moment Nori knows what he wants: the same thing as before. What else could she expect of him after she acted so foolishly? Kissing him, breaking down the boundaries she tried so hard to keep. Such a reckless thing to do. Now she is not sure how to avoid the consequences she sees in his eyes. The only thing she can do is play dumb.

"I asked nicely." She smiles and opens the book. Her eyes fall to the pages as she flips through them, determined to appear unbothered. "I can't use magic; you have nothing to worry about."

"I think you know how to cast spells on people." He pulls the book out of her hands and leaves it on the desk by his side.

"What makes you think that?" Nori watches his movements but avoids his gaze.

"You've made me your servant." He lifts her chin with his finger. His voice drops lower. "Your lips made me your servant..."

Nori's stomach fills with butterflies, her legs turn weaker. She finds his words silly and insincere, but the tone of his voice alone sends chills running through her body. Even if he was telling her a soup recipe with that deep, husky voice, it would have had the same effect.

He traces his thumb under her lower lip, his eyes hungrily glaring at her mouth. In that moment it seems another lantern has burned out, as the light dims, the room blurs away and only he remains in front of her. He is about to kiss her, and she wants him to ...

No. No more kissing. Nori must kill the mood. As quickly as possible. Killing the mood and annoying men is something Nori is good at.

"You are my servant?" She raises an eyebrow."Then why am I the one asked to pick books for you?" She tries to laugh, but her throat is dry and the sound comes out weird.

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