89. Court Manners (4)

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"Why do you keep Beom around if he is always questioning your decisions and going on your nerves?" Nori says, unwilling to let silence settle between them for too long. Not that she minds the silence now, she almost enjoys it. But her mind buzzes with questions, and she craves his conversation, his words and the soft tone of his voice.

"Much of the wealth of this Kingdom is concentrated in the hands of conservative nobles who view Beom as their virtuous hero." the King says, staring ahead. "If I get rid of him they will think I want to end their old ways and remove them from power. Then my position will be in danger. My father was braver than me but a bit extreme in his decisions - he removed from the council everyone who opposed the changes he wanted to implement. But he thus made dangerous enemies."

The King slows down, his hand tightening around Nori's fingers. She glances at him but doesn't speak. No words or questions are needed. She recognises the unspoken sadness in his eyes. She knows how it feels to miss someone and to wonder whether had things been different, he would have still been alive...

The King clears his throat, his expression hardening. "If those close-minded creeps have someone who represents their view in the counsel they feel protected and respected. Which in term makes them more willing to support a ruler who doesn't directly endanger their positions. It's a very complicated situation. Daegu split apart not only because of my uncle but because of the deep division in the ruling class. Too many opinions and too many proud men thinking they know best. And greed... so much greed."

He kicks a pebble out of his way and stares ahead. Nori's eyes remain glued to his face. She likes to look at him as he speaks. For there is a special glimmer in his eyes when he talks about his Kingdom, or about his duties and responsibilities. And there is something particularly thrilling in seeing him fully embodying his role as a King - dressed in his Royal clothes of splendour and talking as a man who is in control of his decisions and actions, yet aware of the dangers and challenges those same decisions might bring.

"Beom opposes all the changes you want to make." Nori says."Do you have any plans on how to deal with him?"

"I am trying to limit his power gradually. Me and him are playing a constant chess game. He almost made me marry his grand-daughters but Jin fixed that for me."

"What did he do?"

"He sent a few young and handsome suitors to meet the girl; she fell for one of them and refused to marry me."

"Now I understand!" Nori exclaims, squeezing his hand involuntarily.

The King turns to look at her, his eyes reflecting the light of a nearby lantern. "Understand what exactly?"

"Why Beom reacted as he did." She swings their joined hands back and forth, excited by her realisation. "I remind him of his grand-daughter; that's why my girly behaviour made him softer. He follows his emotions more than he should or realises. He must care for his grand-daughter a lot if he allowed her to marry who she loves. That's a huge weakness." She winks at the King with a playful expression. "I have a real chance to win him over. Not only because I know all about Pong's text but also because I am cute."

A quick smile passes over the King's lips. "There is no winning him over. Beom will torture you with his lectures of morals until your head explodes. But if you do win him over, if you convince him to stop opposing my educational law - then I will marry you a second time. And a third. I will build you another Palace."

Nori chuckles. "Beom must be a big thorn in your foot."

"Indeed...."The King sighs and turns his attention back to the path ahead. Even if his attitude is somehow aloof and distant, his willingness to discuss state matters fills Nori's heart with enthusiasm. Rather than being asked to simply marry a King and give him an heir, she feels part of something bigger and far more important.

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