16.Shadows of the past (1)

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"Nothing happened, there is no need to worry. I married a very stupid Princess, that's all. I will come when we usually meet."

Yoongi won't visit for another week. He didn't even care to explain why he left last night.

Yona scrunches the paper in her hand and throws it away with an abrupt move. She rises to her feet, puts her coat on and heads for the door. There are other ways to learn what the King doesn't want to share.

Yona's pace is quick and quiet. She moves as a shadow, almost invisible between the trees. Soon the witch reaches the small forest clearing where she meets her clients. She waits. But as she waits, her worries grow bigger.

When the King is anxious he comes to Yona. She makes him forget everything. She takes control over his fears and clouds his mind with pleasure. Why is he not coming this time? If the Princess is pushing him away, if she is causing him troubles, then why is he not with Yona now, putting that frustration to good use?

The witch doesn't like to be ignored or kept in the dark. Things are not going well since the talk of that marriage first started. Yona didn't like the King's enthusiasm about the painting he received, she didn't like how involved he was with the preparation of the wedding. She doesn't like how distant Yoongi has been growing lately. She cannot let this continue. Yona needs to act quickly and remove the Princess as soon as possible. The first step in her plan is to make Nori weak and vulnerable.

There are many people in the Palace who own the witch a favour. Each court lady has something she wants: a secret to unveil, revenge to perform, lover to seduce. Many want to be prettier, healthier, wealtier. Yona carefully selects who to approach. She offers her help and asks for information and favours in return. Each court lady thinks she is the only one in contact with a witch. They keep quiet not to be discovered. Like little flies, they are all caught together in a web, unaware of each other, unaware of their role in Yona's bigger scheme of things.

Minju is a shy girl, a good girl. But her little sister is very sick, and has been for years. Minju is not very beautiful or capable. But her sister looks like a flower - pretty and delicate. It is unfair that the little girl won't have the chance to grow and flourish. Minju wants to find a way to cure her sister. Yona offers a solution. She gives medicine to the court lady, a medicine that helps her sister get better. A medicine that makes Minju weaker. The court lady willingly sacrifices her health to cure her sister, allowing the little girl to grow up and marry well. That will bring honour and happiness to her family. It's the right thing to do. Yona tells Minju she is brave and noble, she compliments her sacrifice and brings new medicine each week. In return she asked Minju to tell her news of the Princess.

Yona doesn't have to wait long for Minju's arrival. The court lady is always on time, she is very diligent.

"Queen Nori is kind and beautiful." Minju says when asked to describe the Princess. "But she is reserved and careful with her words. She asked about you."

"Of course she asked about me. I am sure she will try to remove me." Yona's tone of voice is harsher than usual, her will to play nice completely gone today. "Tell me, do you know what happened last night between her and the King?"

"No one knows for sure. The King carried the Princess back to her room in the middle of the night. According to the servant who saw them, she looked unconscious. The rumor says she got drunk and fainted. Everyone is curious if the marriage was consummated or not.The King has been very private about it. He visited the Princess today. He looked cold and grumpy when he entered, like his usual look. But he seemed very pleased when he went out. Lady Mira visited her, too. They are having dinner now."

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