123. Nightfall(9)

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Of all the bizarre situations Yoongi found himself in today, this is the most unbelievable one. Prince Kim Namjoon, drunk as a fish, is staggering through the room while getting undressed; his sister is running after him, collecting his clothes from the ground.

"Why is he here? What is he doing?" Yoongi rises to his feet, watching the half-naked Prince head toward their bedroom.

"He likes to sleep half-naked." Nori smiles apologetically and hurries to catch up with her brother. "Namjoon, you should not go there, it's the King's bedroom."

Yoongi follows after her, still unsure if what is happening is real or if it's a weird dream he is having.

Joon keeps throwing his clothes left and right until he remains in his underpants. Only in his underpants. Are Ilsan people not fond of clothes?

Namjoon stops at the foot bed."Why does it move? Are we on a ship?" He walks around it, staring down at the soft covers as if trying to decide if those are blankets or the waves of the sea. He seems extremely confused. But it's not his face that steals Yoongi's attention - it's his body.

Joon is more robust and muscular than Jungkook himself. Namjoon is a piece of art, a sculpture of a hero, a warrior from ancient times. How can a scholar be so well built? How often does he exercise? What exercises is he doing...?

"Joonie, this is not your bed," The Princess steps towards her brother. "Let me bring you to your room."

She reaches out to touch him but Yoongi slips between them, blocking her way. "Don't look at him. It's inappropriate to look at naked men."

She rolls her eyes. "He is my brother."

"Yes... but," Yoongi turns to glance at the Prince. "He is so athletic... look at his arms. He can lift Blackie with one finger. His thighs are so thick and muscular.... he looks too hot..."

Nori covers his eyes. "Stop staring at him."

Yoongi pushes her hand away. "I am looking respectfully, okay? I am not a pervert."

"Your eyes will fly out of your sockets." She narrows her gaze at him. "Are you sure you don't want to marry Joon instead of me?"

Yoongi scoffs."Oh, come on."

"You said he is hot. I know what that means. You think he is attractive."

Yoongi clicks his tongue, the strong taste of alcohol still filling his mouth, together with the taste of her strawberry lipstick."I sometimes wish I was into men, they seem less trouble than women."

Nori tosses Joon's clothes next to the bed. "Namjoon deserves the best, don't fall for him."

"Am I not the best?"

"You sleep around with witches. Joon deserves someone who sees only him. Someone who loves him for his big heart, sharp mind, and caring personality. Not for his hot body."

Namjoon mumbles something about how unstable the ground is but they pay him no attention.

"Excuse me." Yoongi scoffs. "I am not in love with your brother because he is hot. I was just impressed by his ... achievements. How come a scholar looks like that? Most of them sleep in the library and sit all day. Did he lift a lot of books?"

"Namjoon trains with Jungkook, it's how they let off steam. They train almost every day. You want to train with them?"

"You think I need to? You think I am not hot enough?"

"I never said that? If you have insecurities about your body, no amount of training will help. You have to learn to love yourself first."

"I love myself very much, thank you."

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