28. Hiding Place (6)

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Unwilling to discuss the Princess any longer, Kook had silently offered his hand to Mira, suggesting they continue the walk towards her residence. She accepted without complaint and followed the guard, stepping much more confident than before.

Jungkook is certain that the Lady hasn't given up on him. He reads it in her eyes and in the way she holds his hand. From time to time she will deliberately stumble only so she can lean on him for a moment.

Mira is beautiful, smart and fun to be around. But Jungkook can't allow himself to fall into temptation. No matter how much the Princess urges him to live his life freely, Kook considers his responsibilities to be more important than his impulsive desires. He cannot be happy while Nori isn't. He can't embarrass Joon with some scandal or indiscretion. Jungkook has to resolve the situation with Mira as soon as possible.There should be no misunderstandings between him and that Lady.

Mira's residence comes in sight, the end of their walk is approaching. Now is the time for Kook to be brave and decisive. He needs to speak up and end this.

"My Lady," he says, stopping in place and slowly removing Mira's hand from his arm. "I played with you today because the Princess asked me to. I think you are a nice person. But I would prefer it if you didn't look for me again. I am not interested in you, not in the same way you are interested in me. And I will never be."

Mira turns to examine Kook's expression. His words don't discourage her, on the contrary she is happy the guard is finally speaking up his mind. No matter how confident he tries to look, the Lady can sense his nervousness. The guard is uncertain, doubtful. His words deny his interest in Mira but his eyes say otherwise.

"I think you enjoyed spending time with me." she says.

"Yes, in a friendly way."

"Come on, that's not it." Mira says with a devious smile, "Your eyes betray you. You do not look at me as you would look at your friends.You like me."

Jungkook clenches his teeth, irritated that his weakness is so easily discovered. He wishes he was better at pretending.The Lady is looking at him as if she knows all that he is thinking, convinced she can play around with him and manipulate him as she wants. But that won't happen. Kook won't allow her to ruin him.

"What exactly do you want from me?" he snaps, "To be your lover?"

Mira steps backwards, startled by the guard's direct and sharp question.

"I want to know you better and spend some time with you." she says.

"You might want to play around with me because you are bored and lonely." Jungkook says, anger rising in his voice. "But I prefer not to disrespect your position or compromise mine. I have no time for distractions."

"You put such a strong defence, yet I have done nothing to disrespect you. I am not throwing myself in your arms."

"Actually, you did. Twice."

Jungkook steps forward, leaning over the Lady so closely that she can feel his breath on her lips. Her heart quickens its pace, her whole body turns motionless.The guard's expression has become unrecognisable: strained, menacing and dangerous.

"I think you are exactly like the other Ladies who have approached me before." he says with a quiet but piercing voice. "If I say I like you, you won't hesitate to invite me to your room, close the door behind and let me do with you as I wish."

Mira goes pale. She wants to push Kook away with both hands and shout at him that she isn't so easy. Yes, she can't move, shivers going down his spine as she imagines him doing just that: closing the door and doing with her what he wants.

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