105.Raven's claws (6)

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Yoongi tried to resist. He really did. He had no right to touch her after everything that happened. But she made it so difficult. She smiled at him so charmingly. She teased him so cruelly.

So he kissed her. He kissed her because he felt like it. Without thinking much. But Yoongi didn't intend for things to go that far. It was supposed to be just a kiss, and then another one, and then a little tease, and then another kiss...

But now he is out of control.

He can't get enough of her, he can't keep a distance. She attracts him like a magnet - her warmth, her softness, the delicacy of her features and the taste of her lips. And above all - the fact she wants him.

Nori desires him in a different, more intense way now - Yoongi can sense it, even if he is not sure what provoked that change. But undoubtedly, the change is there.

There is no hesitation in her movements, no fear in her eyes, no flinching or avoiding his touch. She is less timid than before, seeking his lips with growing passion. And that fucks up his brain.

Yoongi presses his body into her, deepening the kiss, no longer playing around but hungrily seeking her lips. She tightens the hold of her fingers around his, her hand still locked in his grasp. Nori is at his mercy, trapped under Yoongi's body, surrendering to him willingly. He is the one in power and he loves it. He hasn't been in this position in a while.

Not that he would call her submissive - the Princess is very much proactive when she wants to, almost aggressive in her desire to be with him. And he fucking loves that.

He loves the little shifts in her behavior from tentative to demanding, from willing to follow to trying to lead. Yoongi just loves their intimate interactions, he loves it when they kiss and touch, when they communicate without words - it's when they understand each other the best.

It's rare, and immeasurably exhilarating, to be able to click with someone so fast.

Yet the excitement he feels it's not rooted only in how well they seem to match. It's different from the usual thrill he experiences when he is aroused - this thrill it's much more intense, much more electrifying.

Because it's her that he is kissing. The woman he thought won't ever want to kiss him again after what he did with Yona. The woman who shouted at him and looked at him with so much disapproval and anger. He feared that the fire that sparkled between them earlier would be forever lost. He feared Yona had managed to extinguish the warm flame in Nori's eyes. Yet, that flame came back, burning stronger than before.

And it ignites an excitement in Yoongi that he can't explain.

To have her back in his arms, to feel her lips, to know she believes in his promises despite all - that makes everything feels so much better.

Nori is not a strange and hostile Princess anymore. Nori is his ally. And he wants to keep her close, close to his racing heart, and close to his heated body, and close to his intimate world.

He wants to feel more of her, every part of her.

Yoongi releases one of her hands and grabs on her breast, massaging it gently over her clothes, feeling its softness. Nori moans into the kiss, her chest rising towards his touch. She is so eager when she is turned on, it can make a man lose his mind.

He squeezes her breast, his fingers sinking deep into the fabric of her dress. Her forms are filling his hand so nicely, she is so amazing to touch. Yoongi wants to feel every part of her body; he is curious to learn all that she likes. 

He catches her lower lip into his mouth and sucks on it gently, while circling his fingers around her hard nipple.Nori's back curves and she digs her fingers into his hair. He teases her nipple again and again, eating the soft moans that fly out of her lips. She pulls on his hair. And that messes him up.

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